(A) All moneys whatsoever which may be derived from lease of privileges, donations of money, fines, or from any other source whatsoever connected with the use, abuse, benefit, or enjoyment of any park or parkway shall be placed in the city treasury to the credit of the Park Fund.
(B) All expenditures of the Park Board, payment of which is not herein otherwise provided for, shall be paid from the Park Fund not otherwise appropriated, and all moneys received by the Board from any source shall, where not herein otherwise directed, to be paid into the city treasury to the credit of the Fund.
(C) All expenditures shall be audited by the Park Board, and shall be paid by the City Administrator-Clerk-Treasurer only upon warrants of the Board signed by its President, or Vice President, and Secretary.
(D) Lands which may have been heretofore or may be hereafter acquired for park purposes shall not be alienated nor diverted to other uses, and shall remain forever parks and parkways for the use of all the inhabitants of the city.
(Ord. 50, passed - -)