Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the mechanical inspector that the mechanical or fuel gas system, appliance or equipment governed by this code in a building or structure is defective or otherwise becomes a hazard to health or life, it shall be the duty of said inspector to make an inspection of such system, appliance or equipment and render a report to the proper party, setting forth the necessary repairs or alterations required to make such heating, air conditioning or ventilation system conform to this chapter. The inspector shall set a limit of time within which such repairs or alterations are to be made, and upon the refusal or neglect of the owner, agent, lessee, or tenant to comply with said notice within the time stated, the mechanical inspector shall cause such repairs or alterations to be made or such nuisance abated and the expense of such work shall be taxed against such property and become a prior lien thereon and as a personal judgment against the property owner; or the inspector may order the premises vacated and closed to further occupancy until such time as the required repairs or alterations have been made, all at the mechanical inspector's sole discretion based upon health or life safety concerns. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
When a single-family structure is changed to multi-family occupancy, the following shall specifically apply in addition to any requirements identified in the mechanical code:
   A.   Each unit shall be provided a heating unit that will maintain room temperature in accordance with the housing code of the city.
   B.   Transfer of conditioned air between units is prohibited. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
   A.   Permit To Do Work Required: It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or install any fuel burning, space heating, air conditioning or incinerator equipment or appurtenances subject to and covered by the provisions of this chapter in or for any building or to alter, repair or convert any such existing fuel burning, space heating, air conditioning or incinerator equipment or appurtenances as are subject to the provisions of this chapter without first making written application for a permit therefor setting forth the nature and extent of the work to be performed. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
In cases where the owner/occupant desires to do heating, air conditioning and ventilation work in the owner's own residence, the owner shall appear before the mechanical inspector and show competency in the installations of heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems. Upon such showing of competency and approval and payment of required fees, a mechanical permit shall be issued. Said permit authorizes owner to do heating, air conditioning and ventilation work only in the dwelling owned and occupied by said owner without licensing, certificate of insurance or help from other than family members. Said person performs all labor in connection therewith, has the necessary inspections made and complies with code requirements. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
   A.   It shall be the duty of the permit holder to notify the inspector that the work is ready for inspection or test. All inspections require twenty four (24) hours' notice.
   B.   It shall be the duty of the permit holder to make sure the work will stand the test prescribed before giving notification.
   C.   If the inspector finds that the work will not stand a required test, or corrections are required, the journeyman HVAC shall be required to notify the inspector when the necessary corrections are complete for re-inspection. If the journeyman HVAC calls for a re-inspection where corrections were required and the corrections were not made, a re-inspection fee will be assessed to the contractor. The re-inspection fee shall be paid before additional inspections are made.
   D.   If the inspector fails to appear within twenty four (24) hours, during normal working hours, of the time set for each inspection or test, the inspection or test shall be deemed to have been made, but the journeyman HVAC doing the work shall be required to file an affidavit with the mechanical inspector that the work was installed with the ordinance and permit, and that it was free from defects and that the required test had been made and the system was found free from leaks. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
If an existing building is damaged by fire or otherwise or altered in a manner to require the replacement of fifty percent (50%) or more of the structure as determined by the authority having jurisdiction, the entire building shall conform to this chapter's requirements for new buildings. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
9-5A-1: Mechanical Code Adopted
9-5A-2: Amendments
The International Mechanical Code and International Fuel Gas Code are adopted by this reference except as added to, deleted, modified or amended otherwise herein, and there is adopted as the mechanical code of the city, that certain mechanical code known as the International Mechanical Code, 2021 edition, and International Fuel Gas Code, 2021 edition, as prepared by the International Code Council (ICC). (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)