A. It shall be the duty of the permit holder to notify the inspector that the work is ready for inspection or test. All inspections require twenty four (24) hours' notice.
B. It shall be the duty of the permit holder to make sure the work will stand the test prescribed before giving notification.
C. If the inspector finds that the work will not stand a required test, or corrections are required, the journeyman HVAC shall be required to notify the inspector when the necessary corrections are complete for re-inspection. If the journeyman HVAC calls for a re-inspection where corrections were required and the corrections were not made, a re-inspection fee will be assessed to the contractor. The re-inspection fee shall be paid before additional inspections are made.
D. If the inspector fails to appear within twenty four (24) hours, during normal working hours, of the time set for each inspection or test, the inspection or test shall be deemed to have been made, but the journeyman HVAC doing the work shall be required to file an affidavit with the mechanical inspector that the work was installed with the ordinance and permit, and that it was free from defects and that the required test had been made and the system was found free from leaks. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
If an existing building is damaged by fire or otherwise or altered in a manner to require the replacement of fifty percent (50%) or more of the structure as determined by the authority having jurisdiction, the entire building shall conform to this chapter's requirements for new buildings. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
The International Mechanical Code and International Fuel Gas Code are adopted by this reference except as added to, deleted, modified or amended otherwise herein, and there is adopted as the mechanical code of the city, that certain mechanical code known as the International Mechanical Code, 2021 edition, and International Fuel Gas Code, 2021 edition, as prepared by the International Code Council (ICC). (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
Where this chapter uses the phrase heating, air conditioning, and ventilation; fuel gas and mechanical systems appliances, and equipment shall be understood to be included.
The following sections of the 2021 International Mechanical Code (ICC) and 2021 International Fuel Gas Code (ICC) are amended as follows:
Section 101.1 Insert: city of Waterloo.
Section 101.2 Delete: Exception.
Sections 103.1, 103.2, and 103.3 Delete in their entirety.
Section 106.2 of the 2021 international mechanical code Add: item #9, electric baseboard heating system.
Section 106.5.2 of the 2021 international mechanical code and section 106.6.2 of the 2021 international fuel gas code are hereby amended to read:
Permit Fees. All mechanical permit fees shall be established by resolution of the city council and paid prior to issuance of a permit or re-inspection.
Section 106.5.3 of the 2015 international mechanical code and section 106.6.3 of the 2021 international fuel gas code are hereby amended as follows:
Fee Refunds: #2. Not more than 80 percent of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this code.
#3 Deleted.
Section 108.4 of the 2021 international mechanical code and 2021 international fuel gas code are deleted and replaced with the following:
108.4 Municipal Infraction.
108.4.1 Any person, firm or corporation failing to comply with or violating any of the terms or provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a municipal infraction and upon conviction thereof, be punished accordingly.
108.4.2 If any mechanical work, including construction or repair, is performed within the city contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, it shall be deemed a municipal infraction and in addition to penalties described, shall be corrected in accordance with this ordinance.
108.4.3 The omission or failure to perform any act or duty required by this ordinance or the performing of any act which is prohibited or declared to be unlawful by this ordinance, an offense or a municipal infraction pursuant to this ordinance or the international mechanical code and/or international fuel gas code is punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the first offense and up to four hundred dollars ($400.00) for each subsequent offense.
Delete section 108.4 of the 2021 international mechanical code and 2021 international fuel gas code.
Delete sections 109.2, 109.3, 109.4, 109.5, 109.6 and 109.7 of the 2021 international mechanical code and 2021 international fuel gas code.
Amend section 507.2.2 of the 2021 international mechanical code by deleting the following wording "into the HVAC system design or".
Add sections 507.2.3.1 and 507.2.3.2 to the 2021 international mechanical code.
Section 507.2.3.1 Cooking appliances used in commercial-type occupancies such as places of worship, fellowship halls, lodge halls, employee kitchens, and classrooms may need to be provided with a hood based on the type of appliances and processes in accordance with sections 507.2, and 507.2.1. Light-duty appliances that produce heat or moisture and do not produce grease or smoke may need to be provided with a hood in accordance with sections 505.1, 501.1 exception 1, and 505.2. At the discretion of the building official or designee, in all applications, portable fire extinguishing equipment shall be provided as directed by the fire marshal.
Exception: If a type 1 hood with a fire suppression system is not needed or installed, a permanent etched sign with background contrasting letters at least 2 inches in height shall be installed in plain sight on or near the hood stating "NO FRYING, GRILLING, SAUTEING OR GREASE ALLOWED".
1. Complete and submit a use agreement form available at the building department.
2. The equipment is limited to a maximum of two domestic light-duty appliances in any one location.
3. Complete hood coverage of the cook area is provided and hood is ducted in compliance with the mechanical code requirements for type II hoods.
4. Cooking practices are limited to tenants of the building.
5. Frying, sauteing, grilling or other grease producing activities that produces more than minimal amounts of grease or grease vapor are prohibited.
6. Portable fire extinguishing equipment shall be provided as directed by the city.
7. A permanent etched sign shall be installed in plain sight on the hood stating "ONLY MINIMAL FRYING, GRILLING, OR SAUTEING ALLOWED".
8. Where the cooking equipment is to be used as training equipment, it shall not be used by students without direct supervision of an instructor.
9. The approved use is tenant based. If the tenant changes, the occupancy changes, or the type of cooking changes, approval of the alternative hood is voided.
10. City inspectors shall have the authority to immediately void the approval if any of the above conditions are found to be in violation.
Amend chapter 6 of the international mechanical code, 601.5.
Exception #5 will not apply to existing unaltered structures. All new single family or existing single family converted to multi-family living will not be exempt.
The following is added to section 402.6 of the 2015 international fuel gas code:
#7 Maximum gas delivery pressure into a dwelling shall not exceed 14" water column ("w.c.").
Sections 403.4.3, 403.4.4, 403.5, 403.5.2, 403.5.3 of the 2015 international fuel gas code are hereby deleted and replaced with the following:
403.4.3 Pipe used for the installation, extension, alteration or repair of gas piping shall be standard weight wrought iron or steel (galvanized or black). Corrugated stainless steel tubing (C.S.S.T.) may be permitted for residential use only.
The following section is added to the 2021 international fuel gas code:
403.5.5 Inspection Procedure For C.S.S.T.
(a) An air pressure test of a minimum ten (10) pounds for a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes must be performed after the piping is installed in rough construction. (Before cover of interior walls and ceiling are finished.)
(b) Another air test of the same requirement must also be performed after the cover of walls and ceiling are complete. Both of which tests must be witnessed by the mechanical inspector. At no time before this, will gas service be released to the building.
(c) After final pressure test, piping can be connected to the gas service, a gas shut off will be required before each connection is made into existing pipe, and C.S.S.T. must terminate at ceiling or floor joist and hard piped with a shut off to each appliance.
Section 403.10.4 of the 2021 international fuel gas code is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:
Gas piping larger than 2" (50.8 mm) in size regardless of gas pressure and any size gas pipe carrying 1 pound p.s.i. or more gas pressure shall be welded black pipe with welding performed by a certified welder and pressure tested to a minimum 50 pounds p.s.i. for no less than one (1) hour.
In lieu of the NEC, HVAC air handling equipment with a blower motor or electric elements in a duct needs to be provided with disconnect means within reach of the unit.
(Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)