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   A.   Appointment Of Members: The members of the mechanical board for licensing and appeals shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council.
   B.   Terms: After the initial appointment of the board, the terms of the members shall be for three (3) years except that the initial terms shall be so arranged and staggered that the terms of no more than two (2) members shall expire on December 31 of any one year. A vacancy within any term shall be filled by appointment of the mayor with the approval of the city council for the unexpired portion of that term only.
   C.   Compensation: The members of the board shall serve without compensation.
   D.   Organization: The board shall designate a member as chair and vice chair and shall adopt reasonable rules for conducting its investigations and proceedings, and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the building official with a duplicate copy to the appellant and may recommend to the city council new legislation as is consistent therewith. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
9-5B-3: QUORUM:
Three (3) members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, provided that a decision on a matter relating to a specific license shall not be valid unless decided in the presence of a board member who holds a similar valid license. Any vote taken for the purpose of suspending or revoking a contractor's license shall require a majority vote of all members of the board. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
The mechanical board for licensing and appeals shall have the following powers and duties:
   A.   To hold regular meetings when determined necessary for the purpose of conducting examinations of applicants for mechanical certificates of competency or heating, air conditioning and ventilation appeals.
   B.   To act upon reports of violations by licensed contractors as filed by the mechanical inspector with the board.
   C.   To prescribe rules consistent with the provisions of this chapter for hearings before the board to suspend, revoke, or reinstate licenses.
   D.   To keep a complete record of the official proceedings of the board; to preserve all documents, books, and papers relating to appeals, examinations for licenses, and hearings of complaints and charges for at least three (3) years.
   E.   To hear appeals from the decision of the mechanical inspector and to rule on interpretations of the provisions of the heating, air conditioning and ventilation code. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
9-5C-1: License Required
9-5C-2: Conditions Of License
9-5C-3: Revocation Of License
   A.   License: No person other than those holding a current state mechanical contractor license, in addition to their state master HVAC license shall be allowed to work at the trade of heating, air conditioning, and ventilation in the city of Waterloo.
   B.   Unlawful To Lend License: It shall be unlawful for any person to lend that person's license, or to borrow the license of another person, nor shall any person offer to assume the responsibility of another person's work, when such person's work would require that person to be licensed under the provisions of this chapter.
   C.   Exemption: Homeowners working on their principal residence shall be exempt from state licensing. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)
   A.   Advertising Without License: No person shall advertise in any way that they possess the qualifications to engage in or carry on the heating, air conditioning and ventilation trade or business in the city unless they are a bona fide holder of a valid contractor's license as provided in section 9-5C-1 of this article.
   A.   Appointment Of Members: The members of the mechanical board for licensing and appeals shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council.
   B.   Terms: After the initial appointment of the board, the terms of the members shall be for three (3) years except that the initial terms shall be so arranged and staggered that the terms of no more than two (2) members shall expire on December 31 of any one year. A vacancy within any term shall be filled by appointment of the mayor with the approval of the city council for the unexpired portion of that term only.
   C.   Compensation: The members of the board shall serve without compensation.
   D.   Organization: The board shall designate a member as chair and vice chair and shall adopt reasonable rules for conducting its investigations and proceedings, and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the building official with a duplicate copy to the appellant and may recommend to the city council new legislation as is consistent therewith. (Ord. 5664, 9-19-2022)