   A.   Notice Of Change: Not later than fifteen (15) business days after there is a change in the licensee's personal name, trade name, qualifying person, or address or business location, written notice must be provided to INRCOG of such change. Upon receipt of the written notice, INRCOG shall issue an amended license, if required, for the unexpired duration of the license.
   B.   Loss Of Qualifying Person: Upon the departure or disqualification of a licensee's qualifying person because of death, disability, retirement, position change or other reason, the licensee must notify INRCOG within sixty (60) business days. The licensee shall have one hundred twenty (120) days from the departure of the qualifying person to obtain a new qualifying person. Failure to secure a new qualifying person within one hundred twenty (120) days shall result in the automatic termination of the license, and the applicant must requalify as required under this article. (Ord. 5369, 9-26-2016)
The general contractors board of licensing, examiners and appeals may, by majority vote, deny, suspend or revoke any license or may censure a licensee for failure to comply with any of the following:
   A.   Has filed an application for a license which is incomplete in any material respect or contains any statement which is false or misleading;
   B.   Has engaged in a fraudulent, deceptive or dishonest practice;
   C.   Is permanently or temporarily enjoined by any court of competent jurisdiction from engaging in or continuing any conduct or practice involving any aspect of the business;
   D.   Has failed to reasonably supervise employees, agents, subcontractors or salespersons, or has performed negligently or in breach of contract so as to cause injury or harm to the public and/or the city;
   E.   Has violated or failed to comply with any of the licensing provisions of sections 9-1A-1 through 9-1A-6 and 9-1A-8 of this article;
   F.   Has been shown to be incompetent, untrustworthy or financially irresponsible; or
   G.   Has been convicted of a violation of any building code of the cities of Waterloo or Cedar Falls and/or the county of Black Hawk. (Ord. 5369, 9-26-2016)
9-1A-10: APPEAL:
   A.   Upon the final action and notification by the board, the licensee may appeal the decision of the board.
   B.   The appeal shall be submitted in writing within ten (10) days from the decision date by the board to the Board Secretary, Building Inspections Department, 715 Mulberry Street, Waterloo, IA 50703.
   C.   The appeal will be heard in a work session with full city council. Their decision shall be final. (Ord. 5369, 9-26-2016)
9-1B-1: Code Adopted
9-1B-2: Amendments To Code
9-1B-3: Conflicting Provisions
9-1B-4: Severability
9-1B-5: Pending Actions
A certain document, three (3) copies of which are on file in the office of the city clerk of the city of Waterloo, Iowa, being marked and designated as the international property maintenance code, 2015 edition, as published by the International Code Council, be and is hereby adopted as the property maintenance code of the city of Waterloo, in the state of Iowa, for regulating and governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures; by providing the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; and the condemnation of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use, and the demolition of such existing structures as herein provided; providing for issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said property maintenance code on file in the office of the city clerk of the city of Waterloo are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this article, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in section 9-1B-2 of this article. (Ord. 5285, 6-1-2015, eff. 7-1-2016)
   A.   General amendments to the international property maintenance code:
Any reference to the international plumbing code shall be replaced with the "adopted plumbing code".
Section 101.1 Insert: city of Waterloo.
Section 102.2 is amended to add exception 1 as follows:
Exception 1. Owner or owner's agent shall by written agreement allow the occupant to perform the duties specified herein. All refrigerators, stoves and ranges shall be maintained in safe working condition.
Section 103.1 is hereby deleted in its entirety, and a new section 103.1 is enacted to read as follows:
Section 103.1 General. The department of property maintenance inspection is hereby established, and the executive official in charge thereof shall be known as the code official. The building inspections department shall operate as the department of property maintenance inspection.
Section 103.2 is hereby deleted in its entirety, and a new section 103.2 is enacted to read as follows:
Section 103.2 Appointment. The building official is hereby appointed as the code official.
Section 103.3 is hereby deleted in its entirety, and a new section 103.3 is enacted to read as follows:
Section 103.3 Deputies. In accordance with the prescribed procedures of this jurisdiction and with the concurrence of the appointing authority, the code official shall have the authority to appoint one or more deputies. Such employees shall have powers as delegated by the code official. Code enforcement officers, building inspectors, fire inspectors, and officers of the Waterloo police department are hereby appointed as deputies to enforce this article.
Section 103.5 is hereby deleted in its entirety, and a new section 103.5 is enacted to read as follows:
103.5 Fees. The city council shall by resolution prescribe fees for activities and services performed by personnel of the city or the building official's designee. Fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of the certificate of compliance.
Section 104.2 is amended to add a new section 104.2.1 as follows:
104.2.1 Regular Rental Inspection. Rental property, rental units and the common areas thereof shall be inspected in accordance with a program of regular rental inspections every 3 years, or as deemed necessary by the code official.
Section 106 is amended by adding the following sections:
Section 106.6 Hardship Due To Code Application.
Section 106.6.1 Definition.
Hardship - The literal application of this code causes hardship to the owner of the affected property.
Section 106.6.2 Referral. The code official shall refer all hardship cases to the community development office.
Section 111.2.1 is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 111.2.5 is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 112.4 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
112.4 Failure To Comply. Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be in violation of this article. Any violation of this article shall constitute a municipal infraction and be punishable as provided in section 1-3-2 of the Waterloo code of ordinances.
A new section 113 is hereby enacted as follows:
113 Certification.
113.1 Certificate Of Compliance. A certificate of compliance shall mean a document which shows that the unit or units for which it is issued was in compliance with the applicable provisions of this code at the time of the last inspection. The certificate shall be automatically transferred from one owner or operator to another. Rental unit registrations do not transfer from one owner or operator to another. A certificate of compliance shall state the date of last inspection, the address of the structure to which it is applicable and the type or classification of the dwelling.
113.2 Disclaimer. A certificate of compliance does not signify or imply that the premises for which it is issued is in compliance with the fire, building or zoning codes of the city of Waterloo.
Section 302.4 is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 302.8 is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 304.14 is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 308.2.1 Rubbish Storage Facilities is hereby amended by adding a new section 308.2.1.1 as follows:
Section 308.2.1.1. Multi-unit residential buildings containing five (5) or more units shall provide adequate storage for waste so as to store all waste inside containers with the lids closed. Multi-unit residential buildings containing four (4) or less units may utilize city garbage collection services provided that each unit has city garbage cart capable of containing all garbage with the lid closed. For waste containers other than city garbage carts, minimum requirements are two (2) cubic yards of capacity for each increment of four (4) units.
An appropriate number of waste containers shall be provided for multi-unit developments that are not residential, or for the non-residential portion of mixed-use multi-unit developments, based upon the number of buildings and units within such development or applicable portion thereof.
A new section 403.6 is hereby enacted as follows:
403.6 Mold Present In A Rental Unit.
         a.   When mold is found to be visibly present in small amounts, it can be cleaned in a safe and sanitary manner.
         b.   When mold is found in a rental unit and is determined to be a health risk, the building official may order that a clean air report be obtained from a mold specialist approved by the building official.
A new section 403.7 is hereby enacted as follows:
403.7 Carbon Monoxide Alarms. Carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed in accordance with this code.
403.7.1 Listings. Carbon monoxide alarms shall be listed in accordance with UL 2034. Combination carbon monoxide and smoke alarms shall be listed in accordance with UL 2034 and UL 217.
403.7.2 When Required. Carbon monoxide alarms shall be provided when either or both of the following conditions exist:
         a.   The dwelling unit contains a fuel-fired appliance.
         b.   The dwelling unit has an attached garage with an opening that communicates with the dwelling unit.
403.7.3 Location. Carbon monoxide alarms in dwelling units shall be installed outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. Where a fuel-burning appliance is located within a bedroom or its attached bathroom, a carbon monoxide alarm shall be installed within the bedroom.
Section 602.3 is hereby deleted in its entirety, and a new section 602.3 is enacted to read as follows:
Section 602.3 Heat Supply. Every owner and operator of any building who rents, leases or lets one or more dwelling units or sleeping units on terms, either expressed or implied, to furnish heat to the occupants thereof shall supply heat to maintain a temperature of not less than 68°F (20°C) in all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms.
Section 602.4 is hereby deleted in its entirety, and a new section 602.4 is enacted to read as follows:
Section 602.4 Occupiable Work Spaces. Indoor occupiable work spaces shall be supplied with heat to maintain a temperature of not less than 65°F (18°C) during the period the spaces are occupied.
      1.   Processing, storage and operation areas that require cooling or special temperature conditions.
      2.   Areas in which persons are primarily engaged in vigorous physical activities.
(Ord. 5285, 6-1-2015, eff. 7-1-2016)
If existing ordinances of the city of Waterloo are in conflict herewith, the most restrictive shall prevail. (Ord. 5285, 6-1-2015, eff. 7-1-2016)