In addition to the authority granted by the provisions of section 116 of the IBC, the building official is hereby authorized to exercise emergency measures to protect the health, safety and public welfare of the community by certain procedures as follows:
   A.   Inspect the building and surrounding premises to determine the extent of dilapidation, damage, obsolescence, fire hazard and risk as an attractive nuisance.
   B.   Inform the owner or owner's agent of the unsafe, dangerous or hazardous conditions which cause such building to be unsafe or an attractive nuisance.
   C.   Inform the owner or owner's agent of the applicable provisions of section 116 of the IBC and demand a commitment regarding a time schedule and manner of compliance with said section.
   D.   Order the prompt boarding up of the windows, doors and other openings of unsafe or vacant buildings to prevent unauthorized access or the perpetuation of an attractive nuisance during the time which is necessary to gain compliance with the IBC.
   E.   Upon the failure of the owner or owner's agent to comply with the order, to close, board up and secure an unsafe building within seven (7) days' time after receiving such order, the building official, after notice and opportunity for hearing, may cause the openings boarded up and secured, or the premises barricaded and fenced, and the unsafe conditions abated, with the cost of such construction, barricading, fencing and abatement to be assessed against the property. (Ord. 5369, 9-26-2016)
The building official, inspectors, and other employees in the building department shall not engage in the sale, installation or maintenance of any equipment, material, or system which is regulated by the IBC or the IRC, directly or indirectly, nor have any financial interest in any concern engaged in such business in the city at any time while so employed in the building department, except personal residences, residences of family members, residences of friends where compensation is not required of employees. (Ord. 5369, 9-26-2016)
   A.   Requirement: Each publicly available and accessible restroom serving International Building Code Group A and Group M occupancy type areas, hospitals, and city owned buildings, shall be equipped with a minimum of one safe, sanitary, and convenient baby changing station under the following circumstances:
   1.   New Building: All new buildings providing areas with the occupancy types specified, hospitals, and city owned buildings;
      2.   Existing Building: All buildings providing areas with the occupancy types specified, hospitals, and all city owned buildings; and any of the following changes made:
         a.   A new restroom is built;
         b.   The square footage of an existing restroom is increased by fifty (50) square feet or more;
         c.   The number of fixtures of an existing restroom is increased.
   B.   Exceptions: The requirement to provide baby changing stations does not apply to a restroom that contains clear and visible signage indicating where an alternative restroom and/or a designated area approved by the Building Official with a baby changing station is located within the same building and on the same floor.
   C.   Definition: Baby Changing Station means a baby changing station, deck, table, or similar amenity that is intended for use by the public for the purpose of changing diapers on children weighing up to fifty (50) pounds.
   D.   Appeals: Appeals to this requirement can be submitted to the Building Official. (Ord. 5571, 8-24-2020)
9-1A-1: Scope Of Licenses
9-1A-2: Licensing Requirements
9-1A-3: General Contractors Board Of Licensing, Examiners And Appeals
9-1A-4: Application For License
9-1A-5: Reserved
9-1A-6: License Fees
9-1A-7: Certificates Required
9-1A-8: Change In Information
9-1A-9: Denial, Suspension Or Revocation Of License
9-1A-10: Appeal
   A.   Residential Building Contractor:
      1.   License Required: Under the city building code, all residential building contractors who contract with an owner to construct or improve dwellings for habitation by one to four (4) families and who provides two (2) or more special skills (services) for a consumer, must be licensed unless exempt under the provisions noted in subsection 9-1A-2F of this article.
      2.   Defined: A "residential building contractor" is any corporation, company, partnership or person in the business of contracting or offering to contract with any residential owner to construct residential dwellings and/or any portions thereof and said construction involves two (2) or more of the following: excavation, masonry/concrete work, carpentry, interior or exterior finishing, drywall and plaster or roofing. A residential building contractor may also contract or offer to contract with an owner to remodel or repair any existing residential property.
   B.   Residential Remodeler:
      1.   Defined: A "residential remodeler" is defined as any person in the business of contracting or offering to contract with an owner to perform any construction work on an existing residential structure.
      2.   Limitations: A residential remodeler is permitted to work only on existing structures and is specifically prohibited from changing the "footprint" of the existing structure. A "footprint" is defined as the actual size of the structure upon which work is permitted pursuant to this section.
   C.   Residential Roofing Limited: Those who are qualified to install, repair and replace residential steep roof coverings. Work may include fabrication and installation of sheet metal incidental to residential steep roof coverings and installation of asphalt shingles, asphalt roll roofing materials, clay tile, concrete tile, slate, wood shake or shingles and other prefabricated shingle products. (Ord. 5369, 9-26-2016)
   A.   License Required: Any contractor who constructs, remodels, repairs or performs any two (2) of the following work, said contractor shall be licensed as applicable in subsections 9-1A-1A through C of this article: excavation, masonry/concrete, carpentry, interior finishing, exterior finishing, drywall and plaster or roofing.
   B.   Roofing License Requirement: A separate license is required for any person who engages in the business of working on residential one-, two-, three- or four-family dwellings in roof coverings, roof sheathing, roof weatherproofing and insulation, and any repair of roof systems.
   C.   Company License: Any contractor other than a natural person must designate one individual to serve as a qualifying person who must take the licensing examination.
      1.   Sole Proprietorship: The qualifying person of a sole proprietorship may be the owner or managing employee.
      2.   Partnership: Any partner or managing employee may be the qualifying person.
      3.   Corporation: The qualifying person must be the chief executive officer or a managing employee.
   D.   Qualifying Person: If the qualifying person is a managing employee, the latter must be an employee who is regularly employed by the company and actively engaged in the classification of work for which the license is to be obtained.
   E.   Licensing Exams: The examinee must achieve a passing score in order to obtain a license. The exams shall test an applicant's knowledge of the rules, regulations, materials, building practices, as well as the various aspects of the construction business.
   F.   Exemption: The legal owner of any residential property shall not be required to be licensed as a contractor in order to remodel or repair the owner's own property. However, permits must be obtained.
   G.   Homeowner Building Own Home For Residence:
      1.   Owners building their own home shall comply with the rules outlined in the document "Building Permits Issued To Homeowners For Homeowners Building Their Own House" no. HBOH03.
      2.   This document shall be recorded on the abstract of the property and shall remain in force until the time limit listed in the document has expired.
      3.   This document will ensure homes not being built by licensed homebuilders will meet code requirements and be safe for life, limb and health years into the future. (Ord. 5369, 9-26-2016)