A. Permit Required: No person shall make any sidewalk improvements whether ordered by the city council or not, unless such person obtains a permit from the city engineer and agrees that, in making the sidewalk improvements, compliance will be made with the ordinances of this city and with the specifications for the sidewalks as prepared by the city engineer and approved by the city council, and that the work shall be done under the direction and supervision of the city engineer and subject to the approval of the city engineer or designee.
B. Bonds: A bond shall be required for all repairs except repairs made by patching as allowed under the definition of "sidewalk repairs" in section 7-2A-1 of this article. The bond shall be filed in the proper amount and the owner shall also agree to hold the city free from all liability for damages on account of injuries received by anyone through the negligence of such person or agents thereof in making the sidewalk improvements, or by reason of failure to properly guard the premises.
C. Filing, Term Of Permits: All permits issued shall be filed and preserved in the office of the city engineer. Before granting any permit to make sidewalk improvements, the city engineer shall determine the appropriateness of the same and shall state in all permits issued when the sidewalk work is to be completed.
D. Extension Of Permit: The time of completion for the sidewalk improvements may be extended by the city engineer when in his judgment the extension is deemed necessary. The city engineer may withhold the issuance of any permit for any sidewalk improvements for a sufficient period to determine the necessity for the proposed improvements or if weather conditions will adversely affect the sidewalk improvements.
E. Permit Fees: Sidewalk permit fees shall be set by resolution of the city council and collected by the city engineer's office. Work performed by the city shall not require a permit fee.
F. Failure To Obtain Permit: Whenever any sidewalk improvements are not completed in conformance to the provisions of this article, i.e., not in compliance with the current sidewalk standard specifications, or without a permit, the city engineer shall serve notice upon the property owner and/or the contractor doing such work of the nonconformance. If construction work is underway without a permit, the notice shall order the work to cease until a permit is obtained, and a fee of three (3) times the permit cost in addition to the cost of the original permit is paid. If the sidewalk improvement underway with a permit is not in conformance with the current sidewalk specifications, all work must be corrected to comply with the current specifications. In the event that the sidewalk work has been completed without obtaining a permit, a permit shall be immediately obtained, and a fee of three (3) times the permit cost in addition to the cost of the original permit is paid, and any corrections needed shall be completed within five (5) days after receipt of the permit. Any person who shall have violated the provisions of this chapter shall be refused any further permits required by this chapter until he has complied with all of the provisions of this chapter. Failure to comply with this notice shall result in the completion of the work being done by the office of the city engineer with the costs being assessed to the property owner as provided in this article. (Ord. 5688, 2-20-2023)
A. Time Of Inspections: The office of the city engineer, its employees, or designees shall be responsible for inspecting the public sidewalks on a twelve (12) year cycle within the city or on a complaint basis. These inspections shall be made to determine if any of the public sidewalks within the city are defective as previously defined.
B. Inspection And Approval: The city engineer, or a designee, shall inspect the work, and may order the corrections if the work does not meet specifications. (Ord. 5688, 2-20-2023)
A. Sidewalk Improvements Ordered: The city engineer may order the reconstruction, repair or replacement of permanent sidewalks upon any public right of way. Notice of this order shall be sent to the owner by regular mail. This notice shall include the fact that a hearing shall be held by the city council within thirty (30) days from the date of sending of the notice. The notice shall also contain information regarding the estimated costs of reconstruction, repair or replacement, as estimated by the office of the city engineer.
B. Defective Sidewalks Repaired: It shall be the duty of the abutting property owner at any time, or within forty five (45) days from the date of notice from the city, to repair, replace or reconstruct all broken or defective sidewalks in the public right of way abutting said property. If, after the expiration of the forty five (45) days, as provided in the notice, the required work has not been done or is not in the process of completion, the city engineer shall proceed to repair, replace or reconstruct the sidewalk. The total costs, including, but not limited to, engineering, inspection, construction and administrative costs, shall be assessed to the property as taxes or special assessments as provided hereinafter. (Ord. 5688, 2-20-2023)
Proper warning lights and barricades shall be placed to protect persons from materials, equipment and dangerous conditions. Placement and maintenance of adequate warnings is the responsibility of the constructor, or the person conducting the work. (Ord. 5688, 2-20-2023)
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A. Hearing On Estimated Costs: The city council shall hold a hearing within thirty (30) days from the date of the sending of the notice, as aforementioned, wherein, at the time and place designated in the notice, the city council shall consider the estimated costs of reconstruction, repair or replacement which may be assessed against the property owners and any errors, irregularities or inequalities in the proposed reconstruction, repair or replacement. Affected property owners shall have the right to object to the proposed costs.
B. Notice Of Assessment For Repair Costs: When the city engineer submits an assessment for sidewalk improvements or repair, the city clerk shall send a notice of such facts to the owner of the abutting property. The notice shall be sent by regular mail to the last known address of the owner. The notice shall contain a statement of the work performed, the total costs of the work that is being assessed, a description of the property affected, and the fact that the person may pay the amount assessed by a certain date without interest or penalty. The notice shall also indicate that the person may object to such assessment, on account of errors, irregularities or inequalities, and give the place and time at which the city council will hear such objections. The time set for hearing shall be within thirty (30) days after the service or mailing of the notice.
C. Hearing And Assessment: At the time and place designated in the notice, the city council shall consider all objections to the assessment, correct all errors or omissions and adopt a corrected list of the amounts to be assessed against the property.
D. Billing, Certification To County: Thirty (30) days after the decision of the city council of the assessment, the city clerk shall certify any unpaid amounts to the Black Hawk County treasurer. The unpaid assessments shall be collected by the county treasurer in the same manner as special assessments. The following schedule shall control the method wherein the property owner shall be required to pay any unpaid portion of the total costs of the repair of the sidewalk:
$0.00 to $500.00 | 1 year |
$500.01 to $1,000.00 | 3 years |
$1,000.01 to $1,500.00 | 5 years |
$1,500.01 to $2,500.00 | 7 years |
$2,500.01 to $3,500.00 | 9 years |
$3,500.01 and over | 11 years |
Such assessments shall be paid in the same manner as for special assessments under Iowa Code Chapter 384, division IV and at an interest rate of four percent (4), in accordance with Iowa Code Section 384.60 and Chapter 74A.No interest shall be charged for such assessments, or parts thereof, if paid within thirty (30) days from the date of the city council determination on the final amounts of the assessment. (Ord. 5688, 2-20-2023)
A sidewalk may be vacated by the owner of the property by making a request to the planning, programming and zoning commission. The city engineer, and/or his designee, will review the request and forward it, along with his recommendation, to the planning, programming and zoning commission. The planning, programming and zoning commission will review the vacation request at its regular monthly meeting. The commission's recommendation will be forwarded to the city council for its consideration at its next regular meeting. (Ord. 5688, 2-20-2023)