Any person constructing sidewalks within the city must first file a right of way construction bond with the city clerk in the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00), effective March 1, 2023. The application for such construction must be approved by the city council and conditioned upon the fulfillment of the following:
   A.   Faithful performance of all duties and regulations required by this chapter;
   B.   Faithful performance of every driveway and sidewalk specification on file in the city engineer's office, and/or any provision of this code or other city ordinance regulating the construction, reconstruction or repair of sidewalks within the city;
   C.   Prompt payment to the city of any sums that may become due for any reason or under this chapter;
   D.   Prompt payment of all fines imposed upon said person for a violation of this chapter, which violations occur during the life of the bond; and
   E.   Upon indemnifying and keeping the city harmless from any liability arising from said person's constructing or reconstructing sidewalks within the city. (Ord. 5688, 2-20-2023)