The following speed shall be the maximum speed allowed in the operation of trains or parts thereof in the city:
A. Chicago Great Western Railroad Company: Twenty (20) miles per hour between Linden Avenue and Falls Avenue; thirty (30) miles per hour between Falls Avenue and Fletcher Avenue; and unrestricted elsewhere.
B. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Company: Twenty (20) miles per hour between Eighteenth Street and Eleventh Street; twenty (20) miles per hour between Eleventh Street and Mullan Avenue; thirty (30) miles per hour between Mullan Avenue and Rainbow Drive; and unrestricted elsewhere.
C. Illinois Central Railroad Company: Unrestricted between the east corporate limits and the east belt line junction; unrestricted between the west belt line junction and the west corporate limits; twenty (20) miles per hour between the east belt line junction and the west belt line junction via freight or main line; twenty (20) miles per hour between the east belt line junction and the west belt line junction via the belt line.
D. Waterloo, Cedar Falls & Northern Railroad Company: Twenty (20) miles per hour between North Barclay and Donald Streets; unrestricted elsewhere, except that speeds shall be reduced to twenty (20) miles per hour in traversing and passing over the Idaho Street and Newell Street grade crossings respectively. (Rev. Ord. 1916, Comp. 1941, p. R-14)