A. Owner's Responsibility: Each person owning a house, dwelling unit or building located on any public or private street or avenue of the city shall be required to number or cause to be placed over the front entrance, or in some place in public view, on each and every dwelling house, unit or building, or place of business owned by him, or under his control, a number in accordance with the plan of numbering established in this chapter. When a house, dwelling unit or building is constructed to front on other than a public street or avenue, the city, at its discretion, shall authorize the naming of a private street for purposes of assigning the building number.
B. Conformity Of Numbering: When opposite blocks are of different lengths, the numbers on short blocks shall run in conformity to the numbers on the longer blocks opposite; and when blocks, fractional blocks or lots face upon or against the head of any street, the numbers of such lots or blocks shall continue to the further line of the street against which they face, and from that point the numbering shall be in conformity with the block opposite; and where a block is longer than the average length, the numbering shall proceed to a point in said block opposite to the further line of the street opposite, and then be continued in conformity with the opposite block.
C. Size, Materials Of Numbers: The figures used for numbering shall not be less than three inches (3") in height, by two inches (2") in width, and shall be legible and be made of metal or other substantial or durable material. (Rev. Ord. 1163, Comp. 1941, p. N-1; amd. Ord. 2808, 4-5-1976)