A.   No person, except the public works director or the city engineer, while acting in their official capacity, or a contractor in performing the necessary work on a contract with the city, shall construct or cause to be constructed any concrete sidewalk in any public street, avenue, alley or highway within the city except such walks as are required to connect residences or other buildings with the city sidewalks, curbs or street roadways, without first obtaining a permit therefor, signed by the city engineer. The permit shall describe the location of the work and state the time in which it is to be done. If an extension of time is required, the permittee shall present the permit to the city engineer for an extension of the completion date, and no extension of time shall be valid unless signed by the city engineer.
   B.   All permits issued pursuant to subsection A of this section must be kept at the place of construction for which they were issued during the time when the work is being done and exhibited when called for by the city official having the authority to examine the permit(s).
   C.   Sidewalk improvement permit fees shall be set by resolution of the city council and be collected by the office of the city engineer. Work performed by the city shall not require a permit fee. (Ord. 5688, 2-20-2023)