Produce Vendors
118.01 License required
118.02 Application and fee
118.03 License to be displayed on request
118.04 Exemptions
118.15 License required; exemptions
118.16 Fees; weights and measures to be checked prior to issuance
118.17 Badge to be worn; signs required on vehicles
118.30 Registration and stamping of credentials required
118.31 Application requirements
118.32 Fee and contents of permit
118.33 Requirements and rights relative to permit
118.34 Regulations
118.35 Exemptions
118.99 Penalty
Charter reference:
Authority of Board of Aldermen to regulate peddling and vending of goods, wares and merchandise in the streets, see Charter § 3A-2(i)
Statutory reference:
Itinerant vendors, see Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 21-27 through 21-35