Each person so licensed shall, when exercising his vocation, wear conspicuously on his left breast, a suitable badge designed by the Superintendent of Police, with words "Licensed Vendor, Waterbury" and the number of the license and the year the license is in force in numerals plainly inscribed thereon, the charge for which shall be paid by the licensee. Each person so licensed, when using for the purpose for which he is licensed, a wagon, cart or vehicle, shall have plainly displayed on both sides of the wagon, cart or vehicle, a sign designed by the Superintendent of Police, the number of his license and the year in which his license is in force, in numerals and the words "Licensed Vendor, Waterbury" in Roman letters, each numeral or letter to be at least three inches in height, the badge and sign to be paid for by the licensee. The badge and sign shall be returned to the Superintendent of Police at the expiration of the license period.
(1967 Code, § 15-8)