General Provisions
117.01 Title
117.02 Purpose statement
117.03 Definitions
117.04 Exceptions
117.05 Promulgation of rules and regulations
Operator's Permit
117.15 Permit required
117.16 Application and fee; notification of denial
117.17 Issuance of permit
117.18 Renewal of permit
117.19 Inspections
117.20 Revocation or suspension of permit
117.21 Notification of suspension or revocation of permit; hearing
117.22 Hearing on denial of permit or renewal
117.23 Transfer of permit
Masseurs or Masseuse Permit
117.35 Permit required
117.36 Application; fee
117.37 Issuance of permit; notification upon refusal to issue
117.38 Renewal of permits
117.39 Revocation or suspension of permit
117.99 Penalty