General Provisions
50.01 Private well water construction prohibited
50.02 Application for service
50.03 Villages’s responsibility and liability
50.04 Connection to lines
50.05 Installation of meter and lines; specifications
50.06 Water service restrictions
50.07 Inspection of plumbing by Superintendent
50.08 Hydrants
User Responsibility
50.25 Installing and maintaining service lines
50.26 Provisions for location of meter
50.27 Easements
50.28 Damage to village property
50.29 Specified users of water
50.40 Definitions
50.41 Compliance with existing laws
50.42 Prohibited connections
50.43 Control program
50.44 Corrections and protection devices
50.45 Piping identification
50.46 Private water storage tanks
Rates and Charges
50.60 Initial and minimum charges whether water used or not
50.61 Extension of mains
50.62 Change in occupancy
50.63 Payment of bills; delinquencies
50.64 Rate schedule
50.99 Penalty