(A)   The rates as shown in the rate schedule in § 50.64 shall be paid by each customer who has signed a user’s contract, beginning at the time the village makes the service available to the customer. The minimum rate will be paid by those customers not using the service even though they may not be connected to the system, provided the service is available from the village.
   (B)   There shall be a $375 tap-on fee 0 for service to each property in which an application and water user’s agreement has been filed prior to the established cutoff date or completion of final plans, whichever comes first. The tap-on fee for service after the established cutoff date or completion of final plans, whichever comes first, shall be $500 for each five-eighths of an inch or three-fourths of an inch meter.
   (C)   For meters larger than three-fourths of an inch, the tap-on fee will be the actual cost of installing the meter and appurtenances. In addition to the above charges, a $50 deposit shall be made by the user to guarantee payment of water bills. The deposit shall be returned to user without interest upon termination of water service and all accounts of that user being paid.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 9-12-2005)