A general contractor, mechanical contractor or street contractor shall use his/her/its best good faith efforts, and reasonable diligence, to avoid placing any material or debris in or upon the public right of way of any street, avenue, road, drive, lane, alley, curb, driveway, pavement, ditch, sidewalk, devil strip or any other public grounds. Unless otherwise permitted by a proper official of the City, any such material or debris shall be fully removed from said public right of way at the end of each workday.
In addition to any penalties provided for violation of this section, any contractor who violates this section shall be liable to the City for any and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in removing any such material or debris where and when a proper official of the City deemed it necessary or useful to remove same and the City removed, or caused to be removed, any such material or debris.
(Ord. 11902/05. Passed 9-28-05.)