   All new or reconstructed driveways shall be constructed of either six (6) inch thick class “C” concrete on a four (4) inch compacted slag base or a minimum of an inch and a half (1 ½") of asphalt on a six (6) inch compacted slag base. All slag used shall be approved first by the office of the Director of Engineer, Planning and Building. The use of reinforcing rods or wire mesh is prohibited. All other specifications on file, or prepared by the office of the Director of Engineering, Planning and Building, shall apply.
   The opening at the curb or edge of pavement for residential driveways shall be no more than twenty-five (25) feet wide and for commercial or industrial driveways no more than thirty-five (35) feet wide.
   If drainage pipe is used under the driveway to accommodate the street drainage ditch, it shall be the same diameter as the nearest downstream ditch pipe, but in no case less than ten (10) inches in diameter. The ditch pipe used shall be in accordance with Section 923.13 of the Codified Ordinances of the City, or as approved by the Ohio Director of Transportation.
(Ord. 11568/02. Passed 5-22-02.)