1365.01   Definitions.
1365.02   Approved manner or approved by.
1365.03   Basement.
1365.04   Board of Health.
1365.05   Bulky waste.
1365.06   Cellar.
1365.07   Construction debris.
1365.08   Dwelling.
1365.09   Dwelling unit.
1365.10   Emergency.
1365.11   Extermination.
1365.12   Garbage.
1365.13   Habitable room.
1365.14   Hazardous waste.
1365.15   Health Officer.
1365.16   Housing Code.
1365.17   Housing Inspector.
1365.18   Infestation.
1365.19   Multiple dwelling.
1365.20   Occupant.
1365.21   Operator.
1365.22   Outbuilding.
1365.23   Owner.
1365.24   Person.
1365.25   Plumbing.
1365.26   Premises.
1365.27   Private residential swimming pool.
1365.28   Refuse.
1365.29   Rooming house.
1365.30   Rooming unit.
1365.31   Rubbish.
1365.32   Sanitarian.
1365.33   Secure.
1365.34   Stable matter.
1365.35   Structure.
1365.36   Supplied.
1365.37   Vacant.
1365.38   Dwelling; dwelling unit; rooming unit; premises.
1365.39   Guest establishment.
1365.40   Use of adjectives.