If any rural user obtains water from a source other than the city’s water system, the charge to such user shall be based on the average monthly metered water consumption by water customers during the months of January, February and March.
(Ord. 801, passed 6-21-1977; Ord. 1742, passed 1-19-2021; Ord. 1784, passed 11-15-2022; Ord. 1798, passed 12-5-2023)
Where no wastewater of any kind has been discharged into the wastewater facilities, and the city’s water system has been disconnected from the premises for the entire month, the user shall not receive the monthly billing for use of the wastewater facilities.
(Ord. 801, passed 6-21-1977)
Sewer bills and bills for industrial cost recovery charges shall be rendered to the person or legal entity designated by the owner, his or her agent, tenant or occupant to receive the water bill. Sewer bills shall be rendered monthly and shall be due on the first day of each month. If any bill is not paid by the fifteenth day of the month in which it becomes due, a written notice shall be given of the city’s intention to disconnect water service to such premises if the bill is not paid within ten days of such notice, and that if the bill is not paid within ten days, the water service shall be disconnected and shall not be reconnected until all past due bills for wastewater facilities service are paid in full, together with a charge of $20 for reconnecting.
(Ord. 801, passed 6-21-1977)
In the event any charges for the use of the city’s wastewater facilities are not paid within the time and in the manner as provided by this chapter, the City Clerk shall certify to the County Clerk of Pottawatomie County the legal description of the real property enjoying the use and benefit of the wastewater facilities, together with the amount of such charge or charges remaining unpaid. Such amount shall be placed on the tax roll for collection, be subject to the same penalties and be collected in like manner as are other taxes, and shall become a lien upon the real property so served.
(Ord. 801, passed 6-21-1977)
15-501 Definitions
15-502 Containers
15-503 Frequency of collection
15-504 Contracts
15-505 Refuse collectors; license required; exceptions
15-506 Licenses
15-507 Same; issuance
15-508 Same; fees
15-509 Age of licensee
15-510 Licensed vehicle standards
15-511 Parking exception
15-512 Rules and regulations
15-513 Lawn waste dumping site; burn sites
15-514 Violations
For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
GARBAGE. Consists of all organic household waste, offal, animal and vegetable matter such as has been prepared or intended to be used as food or which shall have resulted from the preparation of food and like matter from wholesale or retail grocers, warehouses, restaurants and all empty food containers.
REFUSE. Garbage and/or trash as defined in this section.
TRASH. Consists of combustibles such as paper, cartons, boxes, wood, trees and yard trimmings, beddings and non-combustibles including metals, tin cans, glass and similar refuse; provided that TRASH shall not include earth and waste from building operations or resulting from wash rack residue or sand interceptor residue, felled trees, waste masonry, scrap lumber or large tree limbs.
(Ord. 887, passed 2-16-1982)