12.61.010 Establishment of the Downtown Newsrack District.
12.61.020 Findings.
12.61.030 Declaration of purpose.
12.61.040 Definitions.
12.61.050 Prohibition.
12.61.060 Newsrack permit required.
12.61.070 Newsrack permit application; fee.
12.61.080 Permit denial; appeal.
12.61.090 Regulations and guidelines.
12.61.100 Permissible newsracks and related size, model, color, and space allocation standards.
12.61.110 Newsrack placement.
12.61.120 No abandonment; maintenance required.
12.61.130 Newsrack identification.
12.61.140 Display of harmful matter.
12.61.150 Encroachment permit required.
12.61.160 Abatement of violation of newsrack code.
12.61.170 Costs.
12.61.180 Insurance/indemnification.
12.61.190 Violations.
12.61.200 Severability.