Sec. 1-4.   General penalties for violation of Code; continuing violations.
   a.   The maximum penalties for violation of City ordinances are limited by State law.
   b.    The fine cannot exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) if the case involves fire safety, zoning, or public health and sanitation.
These should include but not be limited to the following:
      1.   Chapter 4, sections 4-101 and 4-104, governing firearms within the City;
      2.   Chapter 6 governing buildings and structures, including any violation of the International Codes as adopted therein;
      3.   Chapter 7, Article III, governing and regulating minimum standards for occupancy of buildings and structures, including sanitary facilities and substandard buildings;
      4.    Chapter 8, Section 8-23 governing firearms in parks and recreation areas, and Section 8-50 governing the operation of concessions in parks or recreation areas;
      5.   Chapter 14, Article II, governing and regulating noxious odors or substances and fierce or dangerous conduct of animals.
      6.   Chapter 16, governing the proper collection, removal, handling, or transporting of garbage, trash, or other types of solid waste

      7.    Chapter 17, Article I governing and regulating the use of public right-of-ways and Article VII, governing and regulating the operation of commercial vehicles in residential areas;
      8.   Chapter 18 governing littering, health and sanitation;
      9   Chapter 10, Unified Development Code, governing and regulating the platting, subdivision and development of land, or governing zoning;
      10.   Chapter 19, including:
         (a)   Article IV, disposal of industrial wastes,
         (b)   Article V, liquid waste transportation and disposal;
         (c)   Section 19-27 through 19-32, 19-36, 19-37, 19-39, and 19-40 which involve unauthorized tampering with the water system.
         (d)   Section 19-146, governing proper sanitation, garbage and sewage disposal on lake lots leased from the City;
         (e)   Section 19-190 discharge of weapons
         (f)   Section 19-233, declaring unlawful any discharge of wastewater or sewage from any vehicle, trailer, camper or house trailer within the Lake Bellwood Reservoir Area;
         (g)   Section 19-235, declaring unlawful any discharge of firearms within the Lake Bellwood Reservoir Area;
         (h)   Section 19-239, declaring unlawful the discharge of fireworks or explosives within the Lake Bellwood Reservoir.
         (i)   Article XI., governing illicit discharge and stormwater connection regulations. (Ord. No. 0-2010-93, 9/8/10)
         (j)    Article XII., governing private lateral sewer lines.
   c      The fine cannot exceed four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) if the case involves dumping of refuse
.   d.    In all other cases, the maximum fine is not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), except where otherwise provided.
   e.    Each day or fractional part thereof that any violation of this Code or of any ordinance shall continue constitutes a separate offense. (Ord. No. O-98-45, 5/27/98) (Ord. No. O-2009-52, 4/22/09) (Ord. No. 0-2000-97, 12/20/2000) (Ord No. O-2016-1, 1/13/16) (Ord. No. 0-2019-15; 01/22/20) (Ord. No. O-2020-72; 08/12/2020)