Sec. 4-101. Political events; firearms other than lawfully licensed handguns prohibited; exceptions.
a.    It is unlawful to carry a firearm within the City limits at a political rally, parade, or official political meeting.
b.    Subsection a. shall not apply:   
   1.    to the carrying of a handgun lawfully licensed under State law and otherwise in compliance with State law.
   2.    to the carrying of a concealed handgun by a qualified law enforcement officer or a qualified retired law enforcement officer, as defined in Federal law, in compliance with Federal and State law.
   3.    to the carrying of a firearm by a certified peace officer lawfully engaged in the actual discharge of an official duty while carrying the weapon, by a commissioned security officer lawfully engaged in official duties while in uniform and with the firearm in plain view, or by a member of the U.S. or State armed forces engaged in official duties.
   4.    if the firearm is in or is carried to or from an area designated for use in a lawful hunting, fishing, or sporting event and the firearm is of the type commonly used in the activity.
   5.    if the carrying of the firearm is otherwise allowed by applicable state or federal law, and is in accordance with such applicable state or federal law.
c.    Violation of this section is unlawful and shall subject the violator to the penalties set forth in Section 1-4. (Ord. No. 0-98-52, 6/24/98) (Ord. No. 0-2007-32; 3/28/07) (Ord. No. 0-2016-15; 2/24/16)