Sec. 19-36. Cutting off water for repair work.
   a.   The Division reserves the right to discontinue temporarily and to reconnect without notice the water supply to all users for making repairs, connections, extensions and cleaning of mains, machinery, storage reservoirs or any other appurtenances to the water supply and distribution system. All users having boilers, air conditioning equipment or other water consuming devices, which may become damaged due to interruption of water, connect to the City utility system at their own risk. City shall not be liable for any damage that may occur to water consuming devices due to the water being cut off for any purpose. Further, the City shall not be liable for any damage to plumbing, pipes or fixtures on premises caused by pressure from City water system or for the freezing of pipes.
   b.   The City further reserves the right to discontinue water service to enforce a user’s obligation to repair water or sewer facilities owned by the user whenever such failure causes waste of water, contamination of potable supplies, or unsanitary conditions. (Ord. No. O-96-54, 6-26-96) (Ord. No. 0-99-80, 10/20/99)