Shadows cast from any proposed multistory must be taken into consideration as to their effect on
properties. Where such shadows adversely affect
between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., a plot plan must show that the multistory has been reoriented on the
to mitigate this effect or that other measures have been taken to minimize the adverse effects of the shading. The
potential of any property shall not be reduced by compliance with this section. (See Figure 7.3.2-A.)

This section establishes minimum requirements for motor vehicle and
parking to ensure that such facilities are consistent with the objectives of the
. As part of a balanced transportation system, these regulations are intended to promote public safety and environmental quality. Specifically, these regulations are intended to:
A. Ensure sufficient
motor vehicle and
by establishing minimum parking requirements for
B. Reduce excessive
C. Promote pedestrian safety by separating
from pedestrian areas and by providing a safe pedestrian path from parking spaces to destinations;
D. Encourage safe, convenient, and efficient design of motor vehicle and
, circulation, and access areas;
E. Improve air quality by requiring paving of
; and,
F. Enhance community appearance.
The provisions of this division apply to:
A. Proposed
or redevelopment;
B. Changes of use in existing
, except as permitted by Section 3.3.3.G, Zoning Compliance for
in Existence on May 1, 2005; and,
C. Any expansion of an existing use or any addition of a new use to an existing
A. Parking Required
1. Parking is required for every use unless otherwise specified in Section 7.4.4.B, Minimum Number of Motor Vehicle Spaces Required, or 7.4.8.B, Minimum Number of
2. Each
Group (Group), except for Residential and Storage, has a standard minimum parking formula. The standard formula applies to every
Class (Class) within that Group, except for those Classes specifically listed in the parking tables.
3. The
Groups and the Classes within each Group are defined in Article 11.
4. Required parking for uses not defined in Article 11 are determined by the Zoning Administrator.
B. Parking for
spaces for
must be provided as required by the City of Tucson’s adopted Building Code.
C. Change of Approved
Any change of the
as shown on the approved
must comply with the requirements of this section.
D. Changes of Use
Parking for changes of use is required as follows.
1. When the proposed use is the same as the use it is replacing, the parking remains the same in accordance with Article 9,
, or .
2. When the proposed use is different that the use it is replacing, the parking remains the same provided all of the following criteria are met:
a. The replacement use must be a permitted use in the current
, except a replacement use may not include a restaurant or bar (Food Service or
Service uses) or a similar use listed in the applicable
b. The parking intensity for a proposed replacement use, except as permitted by Section 3.3.3.H, Zoning Compliance for
in Existence on May 1, 2005, must be the same or a lesser intensity as a prior use on the subject property as documented by the applicant. The property owner must provide documentation regarding the prior use as required by the Zoning Administrator;
c. Existing on-
, and screening may remain in their current configuration; however, the Planning and Development Services
may require new
including paving and striping when a public safety hazard exists or may be created; and,
d. The proposed use must comply with the City of Tucson’s adopted Building Code pertaining to accessibility for
4. When the
is in a tenant space within a shopping center,
, or
, the required number of
is based on the
, or whichever method for determining the minimum required number
in accordance with Section 7.4.8, of the tenant space in which the proposed
E. Expansions
Expansions of existing uses are subject to the following.
1. If an expansion is less than 25% or if a series of expansions cumulatively results in less than a 25% expansion in
, the requirements of this section apply only to the proposed expansion. Existing
on the
is subject to the zoning regulations in effect at the time of approval of the most recent approved plan for the existing
. However, if the existing
was approved prior to April 1, 1969, and there is no approved plan on file with the
, the
for the existing
shall comply with:
a. The parking, screening, and
requirements in effect at the time the
permit for the existing use was approved; and,
b. The paving and striping requirements of this division.
2. If an expansion is 25% or greater or if a series of expansions cumulatively results in a 25% or greater expansion in
, the requirements of this section apply to the entire
3. Expansions as noted in Section 7.4.3.E.1 and 2 are cumulated over time from April 1, 1969, for the application of motor vehicle parking regulations and from May 9, 1990, for the application of
parking regulations. Once a
is brought into
with the provisions of this division, subsequent expansions will begin cumulating as of the date the
was brought into
F. Calculation of Required Motor Vehicle and
The minimum number of parking spaces required must be calculated based on the particular characteristics of the use. The following methods shall be used to calculate the required number of parking spaces.
1. Based on Fixed Seats
Use the total number of fixed seats to calculate the requirement. If individual seats are not provided, each 18 linear inches of benches, pews, or similar seating facilities is considered one seat.
2. Based on Beds
Use the total number of beds to calculate the requirement.
3. Based on
Use the total number of
to calculate the requirement.
4. Based on
Use the total GFA of all applicable
within the
, plus the area of any outdoor areas necessary to provide the service to the public or conduct the activity, such as outdoor eating areas or outdoor areas used for sale of merchandise, to calculate the requirement. The calculation does not include
, automobile display areas, or other outdoor areas used for nonpublic purposes. Where such areas are identified on a
plan but are not defined, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the extent of the area.
5. Based on the Number of Residents
Use the total number of residents for which the facility is authorized to calculate the requirement.
6. Based on the Number of Students
Use the total number of students for which the facility is designed to calculate the requirement.
7. Based on the Number of Employees
Use the shift with the greatest number of employees to calculate the requirement.
G. Fractional Amounts
When the calculation of required
, and
spaces results in a fractional number, a fraction of one-half or more is adjusted to the next higher whole number, and a fraction of less than one-half is adjusted to the next lower whole number.
(Am. Ord. 11953, 8/23/2022)