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   This ordinance is enacted as Chapter 23B of the Tucson Code and may be cited as the “ ” or “ ” of the City of Tucson.
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013)
   This is adopted pursuant to the powers granted by the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.).
   The provisions of the are established to protect and promote the general health, safety, and welfare of all present and future residents of Tucson and more specifically:
•   To implement the ;
•   To guide new growth and redevelopment of the community in accordance with the policies of the ;
•   To encourage the most efficient use of land through sensitive design;
•   To reduce potential hazards to the public that may result from incompatible or from the of environmentally hazardous or sensitive lands;
•   To protect and enhance the ’s natural, cultural, historical, and scenic resources; and,
•   To promote the economic stability of the community.
   A.   The provisions of the apply to all and uses of land within the .
   B.   Land shall not be divided into two or more , except as allowed in accordance with Section 8.2, Land Division and Standards, or be used or occupied, no modification or construction started, and no existing use or expanded, reconstructed, changed, or otherwise altered until compliance with the provisions of the have been certified.
   C.   The Planning and Development Services Department shall not issue approvals or permits for, nor shall any commence , grubbing, , paving, demolition, or construction of any sort before compliance with standards has been certified.
   D.   All provisions of the shall be consistent with, and conform to, the and other related plans and policies adopted by the Mayor and Council.
   E.   The certification of zoning compliance as provided in Section 1.5.1.B, Zoning Determinations and Zoning Certifications, shall consist of the certification that proposed and construction are in with the prior to final approval.
   F.   The Administrative and Technical Standards Manuals are companion documents to the and provide additional criteria, standards, and requirements that support the implementation of the .
   A.   Title
   A set of maps depicting all zoning boundaries within the City of Tucson is established and entitled “City of Tucson .”
   B.   Purpose
   The is divided into , and the establishment of the is for the purpose of graphically indicating the locations of all zoning boundaries within the corporate limits of the , and facilitating the application of the on each individual piece of property.
   C.   Applicability
   The City of Tucson , as part of the , depict the regulations applicable on each individual property within the limits by identifying the zoning classification that applies on each property. Maps are added to the set upon the adoption of original zoning for land annexed into the .
   D.   Determination of Zoning Boundaries
   Zoning boundary lines are intended to follow to the of , alleys, railroad , or extensions of such , except where referenced to a line or other designated line. (See Figure 1.4-1.)
Figure 1.4-1: Determination of Zoning Boundaries
   E.   Zoning Boundaries Dividing a
   On any that was under single ownership and of record on September 20, 1948, and divided by a zoning boundary into two or more separate zoning categories, the permitted uses and allowed in one may encroach 25 feet into the other if such is more restrictive and the encroaching use is not permitted in the more restrictive . (See Figure 1.4-2.)
Figure 1.4-2: Zoning Boundaries Dividing a
   F.   Zoning Boundary Conflict
   If any question arises concerning the location of a zoning boundary, the Zoning Administrator renders a final decision and determination on the matter in with Section 1.5.1, Determination by the Zoning Administrator.
   G.   Zoning of
   Zoning is applicable on all property, except   . Use of   for other than public purposes requires approval by the Zoning Administrator and the Department of Transportation. The Zoning Administrator may allow, within the , only those uses or that are permitted on the property immediately the .
   A.   General
   The Zoning Administrator renders a final decision and determination in accordance with this section when an determination of the substantive provisions of the or the application of substantive zoning provisions in the zoning certification of a , tentative , or final is requested.
   B.   Requesting a Zoning Determination or Certification
      1.   Requests for a written determination or certification must be made in writing to the Zoning Administrator. The request must include: the name and address of the requesting a certification or determination; the ordinance, code or part therefore, or substantive policy statement that requires determination or clarification; the requesting ’s proposed determination or clarification; and whether the issue(s) are currently being considered by the in connection with a pending application or request for approval and the identity of the proposed or ; and,
      2.   Any , including those affected by the proposed may request a written determination or certification. For the purposes of this section, a affected by the proposed is the applicant, owners, or residents of property within 400 feet of the , any within one mile.
   C.   Decision and Notice of Decision
      1.   The Zoning Administrator shall make a final, written, zoning determination and mail notice of the determination or certification to the applicant and all parties of record within the time frames set forth in Section 3-02, Compliance Review Timeframes Policy, of the Administrative Manual. The applicant or the Zoning Administrator may place other parties on notice of the determination or certification by providing a copy of the application to such parties at the time it is submitted to the Zoning Administrator and listing such as a in the application. The Zoning Administrator may include as a a (s) affected by the proposed as provided in Section 1.5.1.B.2 and any as determined by the Zoning Administrator who may be personally affected by the proposed in a manner that is beyond the impact of the on the general public;
      2.   The Zoning Administrator shall provide the applicant with an opportunity to meet with designated staff to discuss the Zoning Administrator’s written determination;
      3.   The Zoning Administrator shall rely on the purpose of the section in question when making a zoning determination;
      4.   The Zoning Administrator may designate certain decisions as precedent for future decisions. Any decision so designated shall be binding upon future cases unless reversed on appeal. One copy of all precedent decisions shall be maintained by the Zoning Administrator and one copy shall be maintained by the City Clerk for public review and inspection;
      5.   All zoning determinations shall be posted to the website; and,
      6.   The Zoning Administrator’s determination shall be binding upon the applicant and all parties of record unless appealed.
   D.   Substantive Policy Statements
   The Zoning Administrator may, in his sole discretion, also issue substantive policy statements. Such written, substantive policy statements will be advisory in nature, providing information regarding the ’s policies and current practices, procedures, methods of action and approach to implementing the stated policy and the and the Administrative and Technical Standards Manuals.
   No less than annually, the shall publish, on its website, a directory summarizing any substantive policy statements and maintain a copy of the directory and policy statements at the office of the Planning and Development Services Department, where they will be available for public inspection.
   E.   Appeals to the Zoning Determination
      1.   A to a zoning determination can appeal the determination;
      2.   Appeals are considered by the Board of Adjustment in accordance with Sections 3.10.1 and 3.10.2, Board of Adjustment Appeal Procedure;
      3.   Notice of intent to appeal, including a statement explaining the reason for the appeal, must be filed with the Planning and Development Services Department no later than 14 after the effective date of the zoning determination; and,
      4.   The complete appeal application is due no later than 30 after the effective date of the zoning determination.
   All graphics and captions included in the are for illustrative purposes and do not have legal status, unless specified otherwise.