(a)   The subdivision layout should conform to the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code and any other officially adopted long-range plans of the City.
   (b)   Where deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission, open space consisting of at least three percent (3%) of total acreage proposed for development, which is suitably located for future use as parks, playgrounds, and/or other recreational purposes for local or neighborhood use, shall be provided for in the proposed subdivision. The Planning Commission may agree to accept private open space in lieu of public parkland or fees-in-lieu-of. If such open space is not dedicated to the City, it shall be reserved for the common use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision by covenant on the final record plat or in individual deeds. Such private open space shall be maintained and operated by the Homeowners or Property Owners Association. Any portion of the water retention or detention areas that is in excess of the design requirements in the stormwater regulations may be included in calculating the open space requirement; provided those needs serve more than just the basic stormwater needs of the development.
   (c)   Where no open space is provided and no public parkland is dedicated, the developer shall pay fees-in-lieu of. This fee shall be determined by City Council.
   (d)    Public Parkland. Land dedicated as public parkland shall be left free of all building debris and shall be graded and seeded in a manner acceptable to the City's Authorized Agent.
(Ord. 73-2021. Passed 1-18-22.)