(a)   Consultation. It is recommended that the developer and/or the developer's engineer consult with the subdivision review staff while the subdivision plan is still in sketch form and before a Preliminary Plan or Final Record Plat is prepared, in order to become better acquainted with the requirements of these Subdivision Regulations and related ordinances, including, but not limited to, the City Comprehensive Plan, subdivision design criteria, approval procedures, the subdivider's contract, performance and maintenance guarantees, related projects, relevant zoning, erosion control and street cleaning requirements.
   (b)   Drawing and Legal Description. A drawing based upon a survey showing the location of the property and giving dimension and other such information as may be necessary, and a legal description in writing must be submitted with the request.
      (1)    The requirements for final record plat submittal shall be in accordance with the standards of the Miami County Engineer's Office, Map Department. The map department shall review the final record plat before submission to the City.
      (2)    Electronic submission. Although not required, electronic submittal may expedite the process.
   (c)   Approval. Upon receipt of the drawing, legal description, and right-of-way conveyance, if applicable, the City's Authorized Agent shall determine to its satisfaction that the proposed lot split is not contrary to any applicable platting. The developer is responsible for the recording of plat. No plat of any subdivision shall be recorded with the County or have any validity until approved in the manner herein prescribed.
   (d)   Noncomplying Subdivisions. The City reserves the right to deny public services within its control to any subdivision, whether complete or incomplete, which is not in compliance with these regulations, including, but not limited to, the issuance of building permits, street maintenance, utility maintenance, sewer and water service, and refuse collection. The City may also deny connection to existing streets and utilities. No lot may be sold within the subdivision until the approved final record plat has been duly recorded in the records of the County.
(Ord. 73-2021. Passed 1-18-22.)