(a)   Submission. The developer and his surveyor shall prepare a Preliminary Plan of the proposed subdivision and shall file with the City's Authorized Agent a written application for the review of said plat, which shall be accompanied by two (2) black-line or blue-line prints and an electronic copy, no later than ten (10) working days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission. Any application which is deemed to be either incomplete or does not meet all subdivision requirements or is not timely filed shall not be placed on any Planning Commission agenda.
   (b)    The proper zoning for the subdivision must be in place prior to the consideration of the Preliminary Plan by the Planning Commission.
   (c)    Before presentation to the Planning Commission, the Preliminary Plan shall be reviewed by the subdivision review staff and the Park Board. Pertinent information regarding the application shall also be forwarded to any county, state or federal agencies responsible for issuing permits.
   (d)    Preparation of Report. The City's Authorized Agent shall prepare a written report evaluating the Preliminary Plan's conformance with the adopted subdivision design standards, the City's Comprehensive Plan, the City's Zoning Code, Preliminary Plan requirements, and/or any other reports or plans that may have been adopted. The City's Authorized Agent shall submit this report to the Planning Commission when it reviews the Preliminary Plan. Before presentation to the Planning Commission, the Preliminary Plan shall be reviewed by the subdivision review staff and the Park Board. Pertinent information regarding the application shall also be forwarded to any county, state or federal agencies responsible for issuing permits.
(Ord. 73-2021. Passed 1-18-22.)