(a)   The developer may submit a Preliminary Plan for review and tentative approval prior to the formulation and submittal of final record plat as set forth in Section 1119.02. The Preliminary Plan is reviewed for the developer's benefit and at his discretion, and its submission does not constitute a formal subdivision review pursuant to Section 711.09 of the Ohio Revised Code. With the submission of the Preliminary Plan, the applicant waives any right for an approval due to the passage of time under Section 711.09 of the Ohio Revised Code and Section 1119.02 of the Troy Codified Ordinances. Preliminary plan review is the recommended procedure.
   (b)    If developers choose not to utilize the process set forth in Section 1117.02 (a), the developer shall submit a complete design, meeting all requirements of these subdivision regulations, which shall include, but not be limited to, the Preliminary Plan, Final Record Plat, stormwater management system design, construction drawings, performance guarantee, dedication of any easements and Park Board approval for the proposed subdivision, and must be prepared by a registered surveyor or engineer.
(Ord. 73-2021. Passed 1-18-22.)