The Preliminary Plan map shall be drawn to a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch, and shall contain the following data and information:
   (a)   The name of the subdivision and its location in the City. The proposed name of the subdivision shall not be duplicated or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in the City;
   (b)   The name and address of the owner of record, and the name, address, telephone and fax number of the developer and the engineer, surveyor, planning consultant or landscape architect for the project;
   (c)   The graphical scale, date of drawing submitted, and the north arrow;
   (d)   The boundaries accurate in scale of the tract to be subdivided with names of adjacent property owners or subdivisions;   
   (e)   The locations, right-of-way widths and names of all existing or platted streets, easements, railroads, or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract, and other important features such as, existing permanent buildings, tree mass, watercourses, railroad lines, corporation lines, township lines, pipelines, pole lines, high tension lines, bridges, contours/grading, ponds, section lines, wetlands, etc.;
   (f)   The zoning districts, existing and proposed use of property and proposed building setback lines with dimensions. In some cases, rear and side yard setback lines, buffer strips (including planting details), or building footprints may be required;
   (g)   The layout, proposed names and right-of-way widths of all proposed streets, alleys, sidewalks and easements (including but not limited to water, sanitary sewer, stormwater and drainage). Such proposed names shall not be so similar to the name of other streets as to cause confusion, or be considered, in the discretion of the City's Authorized Agent, to be inappropriate.
   (h)   Where a newly constructed street will extend an existing street, the existing street name shall be used rather than assigning a different name to the new section.
   (i)   The layout, numbers and approximate dimensions of proposed lots and the total number of lots for the proposed subdivision.
   (j)   All parcels of land temporarily reserved or intended to be dedicated for public use, or to be reserved in the deeds for the common use of property owners in the subdivision, with the purpose, condition, or limitations of such reservation indicated;
   (k)   The location of existing sewers, water mains, culverts, 100-year drainage routes/boundaries, and other utilities or structures, above or below ground, with the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes and grades;
   (l)   The location and approximate sizes of proposed water, sewer and stormwater lines, culverts, adequate drainage outlets, and other drainage structures (including basins) immediately adjacent thereto;
   (m)   The total acreage of the proposed subdivision;
   (n)   Cluster mailboxes shall be shown in accordance with the United States Postal Service (USPS) latest regulations.
   (o)    A vicinity sketch showing the subdivision as it relates to the surrounding area at any scale. (Ord. 73-2021. Passed 1-18-22.)