(a)   The final record plat for minor subdivisions shall be clearly and legibly drawn by a registered surveyor or engineer. The size of the plat shall be eighteen by twenty-four (18 x 24) inches and shall be drawn to an appropriate scale. The material used shall be mylar with permanent ink.
   (b)   The final record plat shall contain the following information, unless not applicable:
      (1)   The name of the subdivision: such name shall not be so similar to the name of another subdivision as to cause confusion, or be considered, in the discretion of the City's Authorized Agent, to be inappropriate.
      (2)   The information shown on the final record plat shall be consistent with preliminary plan stipulations and improvements as indicated on the improvement drawings.
      (3)   The final record plat shall contain the minimum information required by Ohio R.C. 711.01 through 711.04 inclusive, and shall also contain the following information:
         A.   All plat boundary lines with lengths of courses to hundredths of a foot and bearings to half minutes. These boundaries shall be determined by an accurate survey in the field, which shall be balanced and closed with an error of closure not to exceed 1 to 10,000.
         B.   The exact location and the width along the property line of all existing recorded streets intersecting or paralleling the boundaries of the tract.
         C.   Bearings and distances to nearest established street bounds, recorded boundaries, or other established survey lines, or other official monuments, which monuments shall be located or accurately described on the plat. Any recorded boundary or other established survey or corporation lines shall be accurately monumented and named.
         D.   The accurate location and material of all permanent reference monuments.
         E.   The exact layout of the subdivision including:
            1.   Street and alley lines. Their names, bearings, length along centerlines, angles of intersection and widths, including widths along the line of any obliquely- intersecting street;
            2.   The lengths of all arcs, radii, points of curvature and tangent bearings, chord bearings and chord lengths;
            3.   The location of all easements and rights-of-way must be shown in such a manner to be re-established in the field. Deed book and page shall be referenced on any existing easement of record;
            4.   The location of all lot lines with dimensions in feet and hundredths, and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds.
         F.   The accurate outline of all property that is offered for dedication for public use, and of all property that may be reserved by covenant in the deeds for the common use of the property owners in the subdivisions, with the purpose indicated thereon.
         G.   All easements, including utility and drainage, shall be shown.
         H.   Front setback lines as established by the appropriate zoning district and any other setback lines or street lines established by public authority, and those stipulated in the deed restrictions.
         I.   Boundaries of all areas affected by varying private restrictions and a description of those restrictions.
         J.   Names and locations of adjoining subdivisions and location and ownership of adjoining un-subdivided property, as well as the identification of deed book and page;
         K.   Names and addresses of the owner of record, the names, addresses, and phone numbers, for the developer, the engineer, surveyor and/or consultant.
         L.   A vicinity sketch showing the subdivision as it relates to the surrounding area at any scale.
         M.   A superimposed plan of the subdivision at a scale of 300 feet to the inch shall be drawn on the final plat and shall also show the section of the subdivision in which the developer wishes to be recorded. This sketch shall also show all street rights-of-way.
         N.   The total acreage of the subdivision, total acreage from each original lot, total area (in acres and square feet) of each lot created, the total linear feet of newly dedicated rights-of-way (ROW) as well as area of that ROW.
         O.   Stubbed streets shall be located on the plat to give adjoining un-subdivided property access. These streets shall also be labeled as "Street to be extended in the future" at the discretion of the Planning Commission.
         P.   Any information that the City's Authorized Agent considers to be appropriate to provide full disclosure to potential lot purchasers. These include, but are not limited to the location of the 100-year floodplains, wetlands, and rights-of-way for proposed highways which are journalized, etc. within the subdivision or abutting its borders.
         Q.   The minimum opening and/or minimum basement elevations and curb elevations (low side, top of curb) for new structures should also be stated on the final plat in order to keep them above the 100-year floodplain as determined by a flood study prior to planning.
         R.   100-year drainage routes are to be labeled on the final plat.
         S.   Acknowledgment of the owners and witnesses before an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds (Notary), which officer shall certify his or her official act on the plat.
         T.   Subordination of Liens that has the bank or whoever holds title to the mortgage on the property must sign the final record plat
         U.   List all reference surveys used;
         V.   Deed book and page by which the owner acquired said property;
         W.   The surveyor's signature and seal or stamp and certification to a field survey;
         X.   The error of closure of a survey may not be greater than 1:10,000;
         Y.   The location and size of all existing visible site structures and improvements;
         Z,   The location of street lights and post lamps shall be shown on the final record plat.
         AA.   Cluster mailboxes shall be shown in accordance with the United States Postal Service (USPS) latest regulations.
            (Ord. 73-2021. Passed 1-18-22.)