Editor’s note:
The zoning ordinance codified in full with the S-3 Supplement was based upon Ordinance 2004-21, passed 8-2-2004, as amended by Ordinance 2006-29, passed 11-6-2006; Ordinance 2001-10, passed 7-18-2011; and Ordinance 2014-02, passed 1-21-2014. As a result, histories were not provided after any of the sections of the new Chapter 154 codified as part of the S-3 Supplement. Histories will only be provided once sections have been amended by subsequent ordinances.
General Provisions
154.001 Purpose
154.002 Jurisdiction
154.003 Interpretation
154.004 Disclaimer of liability
154.005 Definitions
General Zoning Regulations
154.020 Establishment of districts and zoning district regulations
154.021 Zoning map and district boundaries
154.022 General prohibition
154.023 Unlisted uses prohibited
154.024 Temporary and portable structures/uses
154.025 One building and all yards on one lot
154.026 Access required
154.027 Front setbacks - corner/through lots
154.028 Front setbacks in certain built-up areas
154.029 Intrusion into yards
154.030 Exceptions to height limits
154.031 Accessory uses
154.032 Schedule: area and bulk regulations; parking requirements
154.033 Schedule: permitted and special uses
Supplementary Zoning Regulations
154.045 Applicability of subchapter
154.046 Recreational vehicles and camping trailers
154.047 Fences and walls
154.048 Automotive (motor vehicle) service stations
154.049 Home occupations
154.050 Nursing homes
154.051 Junk yards
154.052 Sanitary landfills
154.053 Schools
154.054 Swimming pools
154.055 AAerials, antennas, telecommunication towers and facilities, small cell facilities and utility substations
154.056 Manufactured (mobile) homes
154.057 Public buildings
154.058 Kennels
154.059 Agricultural activities
154.060 Lighting controls
154.061 Privacy screening
154.062 Adult entertainment establishments
154.063 Dumpster/trash disposal
154.064 Planned developments
154.065 Above ground storage tanks
154.066 Exterior building design and materials
154.067 Individual sewage systems
154.068 Adult use cannabis
Supplementary Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations
154.080 Applicability of subchapter
154.081 Parking design and maintenance standards
154.082 Parking surfaces
154.083 Stormwater detention
154.084 Location of parking
154.085 Landscaping of parking lots
154.086 Computation of required parking spaces
154.087 Parking spaces required
154.088 Off-street loading facilities
154.089 Design requirements for loading spaces
154.090 Requirements for drive-throughs
154.100 Purpose of subchapter
154.101 Non-conforming lots
154.102 Non-conforming structures
154.103 Non-conforming uses occupying a structure
154.104 Non-conforming use of land
154.105 Open land, non-conforming use
154.106 Non-conformities under permit authority
Administration and Enforcement
154.120 Code Official
154.121 Building permits
154.122 Procedures upon violation
154.123 Emergency measures
154.124 Complaints
154.125 Review under administrative review law
Special Uses and Amendments
154.140 Planning Commission established
154.141 Special use permits
154.142 Temporary use permits
154.143 Amendments
Zoning Hearing Officer; Variances
154.155 Office of Zoning Hearing Officer established
154.156 Powers and duties
154.157 Appeals
154.158 Variances
154.159 Procedure
154.160 City Council power of administrative review
154.161 Judicial review of final decision
154.999 Penalty
(A) In accordance with state law, this chapter regulates structures and land uses in order to preserve, protect, and promote the public health, safety and welfare. More specifically, this chapter is intended to assist in achieving the following objectives:
(1) To encourage the development of buildings and uses on appropriate sites in order to maximize community-wide social and economic benefits while accommodating the particular needs of all residents;
(2) To discourage development of buildings and uses on sites not suited for development;
(3) To protect the character and stability of sound existing residential, commercial and industrial areas;
(4) To conserve and increase the value of taxable property throughout this municipality;
(5) To ensure the provision of adequate light, air and privacy to the occupants of all buildings;
(6) To provide adequate parking and access for all buildings and lots;
(7) To reduce congestion on the public streets and highways and to regulate and control population density;
(8) To protect property from damage caused by fire, or by flooding and poorly controlled storm water runoff;
(9) To guide the provision of water, sewer, storm water, and other utilities and municipal services;
(10) To reduce the initial costs and future maintenance expenses of public and private improvements and services through thoughtful planning;
(11) To gradually eliminate existing structures and uses that impede achievement of the above objectives; and
(12) To regulate the building height.
(B) Scope. In order to achieve the objectives enumerated in division (A) of this section, this chapter:
(1) Divides this entire municipality into districts, and permits in each district only those structures and uses that are compatible with the character of such district;
(2) Regulates lots size, and the bulk, setbacks, lot coverage, and manner of use of structures;
(3) Imposes supplementary regulations to control certain potentially troublesome structures and uses;
(4) Sets forth standards for off-street parking areas;
(5) Restricts non-conforming lots, structures, and uses that adversely affect the type of development appropriate in each district; and
(6) Establishes zoning administrative and enforcement procedures.
(Ord. passed - - )
(A) This chapter shall be applicable within the corporate limits of Troy, Illinois.
(B) Whenever any territory is annexed to the city, the annexed area shall be designated as an “R-1” District classification until such time that an amendment is passed in accordance with the provisions of § 154.143 of this chapter.
(Ord. passed - - )