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   The following requirements are supplementary to other ordinances and regulations of the city and are further supplementary to the statutes, rules and regulations adopted by the State of Illinois, including but not limited to, the Mobile Home Park Act, ILCS Ch. 210, Act 115, § 1, the Abandoned Mobile Home Act, ILCS Ch. 210, Act 117, § 1, the Illinois Mobile Home Tiedown Act, ILCS Ch. 201, Act 120, § 2, and the Rules and Regulations adopted pursuant to those Acts.
   (A)   Manufactured (mobile) homes - individual.
      (1)   All manufactured (mobile) homes shall be located only in the M-H Zoning District. Only manufactured (mobile) homes that were in place on March 1, 1996 and that are replaced in accordance with division (A)(2) of this section below are permitted outside of the M-H Zoning District.
      (2)   Existing manufactured (mobile) homes located outside the Mobile Home (M-H) District may be replaced with another manufactured (mobile) home provided a special use permit has been granted and all the following requirements are met:
         (a)   It is replaced within 30 days of moving the original manufactured (mobile) home;
         (b)   It does not exceed either the setbacks of the original manufactured (mobile) home or the setbacks already established where there is existing development; and
         (c)   The existing manufactured (mobile) home has been used as the owner’s place of domicile immediately prior to its removal.
         (d)   The replacement manufactured (mobile) home must be used by the owner as their permanent place of domicile.
      (3)   All replacement manufactured (mobile) homes shall be no more than five years old and shall show proof of age by a title or other legal documentation.
         (a)   All manufactured (mobile) homes shall be placed on a manufactured (mobile) home stand consisting of a rock or concrete surface. The surface shall be an appropriate length and width as to allow for installation and removal of manufactured (mobile) homes.
         (b)   The manufactured (mobile) home stand shall also be furnished with adequate supporting piers spaced a maximum of eight feet apart. The underside of the manufactured (mobile) home must also be provided with four inches of rock and an approved vapor barrier.
         (c)   All manufactured (mobile) homes shall be connected to all available public utilities in accordance with all requirements for any residential structures in the city.
         (d)   Manufactured (mobile) homes shall be skirted not more than 30 days after a new manufactured (mobile) home is approved.
      (4)   Manufactured (mobile) homes located in the M-H Zoning District shall be utilized only as a dwelling unit for owner or renter occupancy.
   (B)   Manufactured (mobile) home parks and courts.
      (1)   After the effective date of this chapter, no person, firm or corporation shall establish, maintain, conduct, or operate a manufactured (mobile) home park within this city without first obtaining a license from the Illinois Department of Public Health. CONDUCT OR OPERATE A MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOME PARK shall include, but not necessarily be limited to supplying or maintaining common water, sewer or other utility supply or service, or the collection of rents directly or indirectly from five or more independent manufactured (mobile) homes.
         (a)   Such license shall expire each year and a new license shall be issued upon proper application and payment of the annual license fee provided the applicant is in substantial compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Department of Public Health.
         (b)   In order to obtain a permit to construct a new manufactured (mobile) home park the applicant shall file with the Illinois Department of Public Health a written application and the necessary plan documents in compliance with the latest adopted edition of the Illinois Mobile Home Park Act and Code of the Illinois Department of Public Health.
         (c)   A manufactured (mobile) home park constructed prior to the effective date of the amendatory 1987 Illinois Mobile Home Park Act but not licensed by the Illinois Department of Public Health shall not require a construction permit. A written application for an original license shall be submitted to the Illinois Department of Public Health in compliance with the latest adopted edition of the Illinois Mobile Home Park Act and Code of the Illinois Department of Public Health.
         (d)   Every park shall be managed by a responsible individual whose name, address and telephone number shall be on file at all times with the Illinois Department of Public Health and whose duty it shall be to maintain the park, its facilities and equipment in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition, and shall be responsible, with the licensee, for any violation of the provisions of this section and the Illinois Mobile Home Park Act and Code.
      (2)   Manufactured (mobile) home parks and/or courts shall be permitted by a special use permit only and shall meet the following requirements:
         (a)   Shall be located on a tract of land not less than two acres;
         (b)   Shall contain at least two manufactured (mobile) homes;
         (c)   Minimum lot size and setback requirements. Individual manufactured (mobile) home spaces shall be considered as lots and shall meet the following requirements:
Minimum Lot Size and Setback Requirements
Minimum lot size:
6,000 sq. ft.
Minimum lot depth:
100 feet
Minimum lot width:
50 feet
Minimum setback requirement:
from front lot line:
from rear lot line:
from side lot line:
25 feet
20 feet
10 feet
Minimum distance to a building on an adjacent lot:
20 feet
         (d)   Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided per manufactured (mobile) home.
         (e)   No access way may dead-end except as a cul-de-sac with appropriate turn-around space for emergency vehicles as per the standards required in the Troy Subdivision Ordinance.
         (f)   All manufactured (mobile) home parks shall be in full compliance with the latest adopted edition of the Illinois Mobile Home Park Act and Code of the Illinois Department of Public Health.
(Ord. passed - - )