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   (A)   In order to implement this chapter, and to achieve the objectives in §§ 154.001 through 154.004, the entire municipality is hereby divided into the following zoning districts:
Agricultural Reserve
Single-Family Residential
Single-Family Residential
Single-Family Residential
Two-Family Residential
Multi-Family Residential
Manufactured Home
Neighborhood Commercial
General Commercial
Highway Commercial
Downtown Mixed-Use Commercial
Planned Developments
PD-B and PD-R
Light Industry
General Industry
   (B)   Agricultural Reserve - A-R Zoning District. 
      (1)   The A-R district is intended to protect predominately agricultural land from intense and disorderly development. Territory located on the periphery of the corporate limits is generally agricultural/undeveloped or sparsely developed. As such areas are annexed to the city it is the intent of this district to preserve and maintain the present land uses until such time that proper infrastructure can be extended to adequately serve such property to accommodate orderly development.
      (2)   Area and bulk regulations: refer to § 154.032. Land uses in an A-R zoning district: for a general listing of permitted and special uses, refer to § 154.033.
   (C)   Single-Family Residential - R-1 Zoning District. The R-1 district is intended to provide low-density residential development, including those uses that reinforce residential neighborhoods, and to allow certain public facilities.
      (1)   Area and bulk regulations: Refer to § 154.032.
      (2)   Land uses in an R-1 zoning district: single family dwellings and related accessory uses are permitted. For a general listing of permitted and special uses, refer to § 154.033.
      (3)   Off street parking requirements: refer to § 154.081.
   (D)   Single-Family Residential - R-1A Zoning District. The R-1A low density zoning district is established to stabilize and conserve existing neighborhoods that predominately consist of single family dwellings. This district is also intended to promote the development of comparable new areas in order to accommodate all persons desiring this type of residential development. This district is also intended to be used as a buffer between single family dwellings and different uses/districts such as commercial/industrial uses or multi-family uses. It shall be at the discretion of the Planning Commission and the City Council as to where these R-1A districts will be permitted.
      (1)   Area and bulk regulations: refer to § 154.032.
      (2)   Land uses in an R-1A zoning district: single family dwellings and related accessory uses are permitted. For a general listing of permitted and special uses, refer to § 154.033.
      (3)   Off street parking requirements: refer to § 154.081.
   (E)   Single-Family Residential - R-1E Zoning District. The R-1E low density zoning district is intended to allow for development of single-family dwellings and related facilities on lots two acres and larger. This district will preserve the community character of the area with well-buffered, well-landscaped neighborhoods, while allowing for other residentially-related uses such as churches, parks and recreational areas, conservation areas, and schools which are compatible with the character of the district. The intention of this zoning district is to allow a more economically feasible development of larger lot subdivisions by reducing the need for stormwater management infrastructure as well as reducing the requirements for roads and sidewalks within the development due to the decrease in population density of these areas. The keeping of chickens is permitted; refer to § 90.06 of the Code of Ordinances.
      (1)   Area and bulk regulations: refer to § 154.032.
      (2)   Land uses in an R-1E zoning district: single-family dwellings and related accessory uses are permitted. For a general listing of permitted and special uses, refer to § 154.033.
      (3)   Off street parking requirements: refer to § 154.081.
   (F)   Two-Family Residential - R-2 Zoning District. The R-2 medium density zoning district is established to stabilize and conserve existing neighborhoods that predominately consist of single family dwellings. This district is also intended to promote the development of comparable new areas in order to accommodate all persons desiring this type of residential development. This district is also intended to be used as a buffer between single family dwellings and different uses/districts such as commercial/industrial uses or multi-family uses.
      (1)   Area and bulk regulations: refer to § 154.032.
      (2)   Land uses in an R-2 zoning district: attached single family dwellings (villas, duplexes and uniplexes) and related accessory uses are permitted. For a general listing of permitted and special uses, refer to § 154.033.
      (3)   Off street parking requirements: refer to § 154.081.
   (G)   Multi-Family Residential - R-3 Zoning District. The R-3 zoning district is established to provide high density residential developments consisting of attached single-family dwellings over two units (multi-family dwellings), apartments, condominiums, and town homes. However, multi-family development within the city shall not permit temporary housing or facilitate, arrange, offer or provide the services and amenities that are typically associated with a traditional hotel or other related business. It shall be at the discretion of the Planning Commission and the city council as to where these R-3 districts will be permitted.
      (1)   Area and bulk regulations: refer to § 154.032.
      (2)   Land uses in an R-3 zoning district: multi family dwellings and related accessory uses are permitted. For a general listing of permitted and special uses, refer to § 154.033.
      (3)   Off street parking requirements: Refer to § 154.081.
   (H)   Manufactured Home - M-H Zoning District.
      (1)   Area and bulk regulations: refer to § 154.032.
      (2)   Land uses in an M-H zoning district: single family dwellings and related accessory uses are permitted. For a general listing of permitted and special uses, refer to § 154.033.
   (I)   Neighborhood Commercial - C-1 Zoning District. The C-1 business district is primarily intended to accommodate low intensity retail, office, and personal service uses adjacent to residential areas within the City of Troy and the 1.5 mile planning radius outside the city limits. The district is established to provide convenient locations for businesses that generally serve the needs of surrounding residents and the immediate community without disrupting the character of the neighborhood in which the use is located. It is not intended to accommodate retail uses that primarily attract passing motorists. Compatibility with nearby residences is paramount and should be reflected in the design and site layout of buildings and structures within the district. The uses in the C-1 district should constitute an integral part of the neighborhood in which they are located and should be a low impact usage.
      (1)   All new uses or changes in use in the C-1 zoning district shall require a site plan review.
      (2)   Area and bulk regulations: refer to § 154.032.
      (3)   Illumination: illumination of buildings and structures shall be controlled so as to preclude the spillage of light onto adjoining residential uses, lots, and streets.
      (4)   Land uses in a C-1 zoning district.
         (a)   Permitted uses: provided all the use restrictions of this district are observed, the following uses are permitted:
            1.   Animal groomers;
            2.   Art galleries, libraries, and museums;
            3.   Banks, financial institutions (excluding stand-alone ATMs), post offices, government office uses, and other similar uses;
            4.   Fitness centers, gyms, and health clubs;
            5.   Offices - public, professional or service (no overnight company vehicle parking);
            6.   Personal care - barber shops, beauty or nail salons, and spas;
            7.   Restaurants - sit-down restaurants with or without liquor licenses.
         (b)   Special uses: provided all the use restrictions of this district are observed, the following uses may be allowed by special use permit:
            1.   Accessory structures - as part of an approved site plan and in compliance with § 154.031;
            2.   Arcades, pool halls, and similar amusements;
            3.   Bars and taverns;
            4.   Daycare centers, nursery and preschools, and similar uses;
            5.   Dry cleaners and laundromats;
            6.   Medical and dental offices, clinics, urgent care offices (no 24-hour facilities);
            7.   Residential dwelling units located above street level;
            8.   Restaurants - carry-out;
            9.   Retail establishments;
            10.   Schools - business or commercial;
            11.   Studios - art, dance, music and similar instructional uses.
         (c)   Conditions of use: all uses and structures in this district shall be subject to the following requirements:
            1.   Dwelling units are not permitted on the ground floor.
            2.   Drive-through lanes: permitted as an accessory use for banks or financial institutions; permitted in instances where ordering is done remotely and there is no on-site order point.
            3.   All drive-through establishments shall provide adequate screeening, buffering and/or sound abatement to minimize excessive noise and spillover light. Noise levels shall be 1.5 decibels or less at all property lines.
            4.   Retail establishments are prohibited from selling age-restricted products in C-1.
            5.   Video gaming cafes or parlors as defined in § 154.005 are prohibited in C-1. Video gaming machines as an accessory use shall not be visible from the street or located in the front of the premises.
            6.   Manufacturing prohibited: no manufacturing or processing of material shall occur in the C-1 zoning district for off-premises consumption or use. Only incidental processing may occur on a zoning lot in the C-1 zoning district.
            7.   Outside building or storage: not permitted in C-1.
            8.   Restricted business hours: businesses in this district may be open to the public or receive deliveries from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
      (5)   Additional parking requirements: in addition to off-street parking and loading requirements in §§ 154.080 - 154.090, the following parking regulations shall apply in C-1:
         (a)   Cross-access between adjacent lots: where parking lots for separate uses are adjacent to one another and the opportunity for connected cross-access exists, such access is encouraged and may be required when feasible. Cross-access should be done in a logical manner that results in a safe and efficient circulation between adjacent parking areas and is subject to plan approval.
         (b)   Mixed-use developments: parking for residential dwelling units is encouraged to be in the rear of the development and may be required when feasible.
      (6)   Signage: signs must be attached to the building. Maximum size of signage is 1/100th (1%) of the plan building area, but in no case shall this area be greater than 15 square feet. Sign lighting must be off during hours when business is closed. Illumination of graphics is permitted, subject to the following requirements:
         (a)   Neon lighting is prohibited.
         (b)   No graphic shall have blinking, flashing, or fluttering lights which have a changing light intensity, brightness, or color. Beacon lights are prohibited.
         (c)   The illumination area shall be included in graphic areas allowances.
         (d)   The light from any illuminated graphic shall be shaded, shielded or directed so as to avoid a nuisance to persons on adjacent property or create a traffic hazard.
         (e)   No exposed reflective-type bulb and no strobe light or incandescent lamp which exceeds 15 watts or equivalent shall be used in the exterior surface of any graphic in such a manner as to expose the face of the bulb, light, or lamp to any public street or adjacent property.
         (f)   Movement prohibited: no graphic which revolves, rotates, or mechanically moves in any manner shall be permitted.
         (g)   Electronic message center signs (EMCS) are prohibited.
      (7)   Trash disposal facilities: all outside trash or disposal facilities within the C-1 zoning district shall be located in the rear of the zoning lot and the building on the lot. Each building shall have its own centrally located disposal area, regardless of the number of tenants in the building. All such facilities shall be appropriately screened from adjoining properties and in a manner that is compatible with the building site design for the zoning lot. Any such outdoor trash or disposal system must be maintained to avoid the existence of litter or the dispersal of trash outside the enclosure or the zoning lot. The accumulation of litter or trash is not permitted.
      (8)   Utilities: all utilities from the property line onto the property will be installed underground. All utilities at the property line with building frontage on any side will be installed underground regardless of their current conditions. Local public utility facilities shall be adequately screened with landscaping, fencing or walls, or any combination thereof, or shall be placed underground, or shall be enclosed in a structure in such a manner so as to blend with and complement the character of the surrounding area. All plans for screening the facilities shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review. No building permit shall be issued until the Planning Commission has approved the plans.
   (J)   General Commercial - C-2 Zoning District. The C-2 business district is primarily intended to accommodate a wide range of retail, service, and office use, but with a lesser intensity than the C-3 Highway Commercial District. Within this district, it is the purpose of these regulations to facilitate the establishment of conditions suitable for the operation of small businesses catering to the public. The district is established to provide the local community and to a lesser extent passing motorists with uses similar to those found in the C-3 Highway Commercial but with an emphasis on smaller scale operations. Typically, this district would be located along thoroughfares and at the intersections of collector streets and arterial streets within the City of Troy and the 1.5 mile planning radius outside the city limits. Compatibility with nearby residences and businesses is paramount and should be reflected in the design and site layout of buildings and structures within the district. The uses in the C-2 district should constitute an integral part of the surrounding area in which they are located and should be a medium impact usage.
      (1)   Area and bulk regulations: refer to § 154.032.
      (2)   Drive thru lanes: are permitted in C-2 with a maximum of five lanes.
      (3)   Illumination: Illumination of buildings and structures shall be controlled so as to preclude the spillage of light onto adjoining residential, commercial uses or lots.
      (4)   Land uses in a C-2 zoning district: for a general listing of permitted and special uses, refer to § 154.033.
      (5)   Manufacturing: manufacturing or processing of goods, foods, or service materials that occur in the C-2 zoning district for consumption or use by the local general public is permitted. Manufacturing of large scale goods to be used in a regional or national area is prohibited in the C-2 zoning district.
      (6)   Outside building or storage: no outside storage permitted without privacy screening installed per § 154.061(B).
      (7)   Parking area requirements: refer to § 154.081.
      (8)   Signage: variable message boards must be dimmed from dusk to dawn. Refer to Chapter 155 Sign Regulations.
      (9)   Trash disposal facilities: all outside trash or disposal facilities within the C-2 zoning district shall be located in the rear of the zoning lot and the building on the lot. All such facilities shall be appropriately screened from adjoining properties and in a manner that is compatible with the building site design for the zoning lot. Any such outdoor trash or disposal system must be maintained to avoid the existence of litter or the dispersal of trash outside the enclosure or the zoning lot. The accumulation of litter or trash is not permitted.
      (10)   Utilities: All utilities within the developed property will be installed underground. Public utility facilities shall be adequately screened with landscaping, fencing or walls, or any combination thereof, or shall be placed underground, or shall be enclosed in a structure in such a manner so as to blend with and complement the character of the surrounding area.
   (K)   Highway Commercial - C-3 Zoning District. The C-3 business district is primarily intended to accommodate a wide range of retail, service, office, and other business uses located along major thoroughfares and state highways within the City of Troy and the 1.5 mile planning radius outside the city limits. The district is established to provide locations for uses and establishments that cater extensively to passing motorists and require a fairly high degree of visibility with good access. The district would also accommodate multiple retail/service developments such as low rise shopping centers, office parks, big box stores, and similar higher intensity uses. Compatibility with nearby businesses is paramount and should be reflected in the design and site layout of buildings and structures within the district. The uses in the C-3 district should constitute an integral part of the surrounding area in which they are located and should be a high impact usage.
      (1)   Area and bulk regulations: refer to § 154.032.
      (2)   Drive thru lanes: are permitted in C-3 with a maximum of five lanes.
      (3)   Illumination: illumination of buildings and structures shall be controlled so as to preclude the spillage of light onto adjoining residential, commercial uses or lots.
      (4)   Land uses in a C-3 zoning district: for a general listing of permitted and special uses, refer to § 154.033.
      (5)   Manufacturing: manufacturing or processing of goods, food, or service material that occur in the C-3 zoning district for consumption or use by the local general public is permitted. Manufacturing of large scale goods to be used in a regional or national area is prohibited in the C-3 zoning district.
      (6)   Outside building or storage: no outside storage without privacy screening installed per § 154.061(B).
      (7)   Parking area requirements: refer to § 154.081.
      (8)   Signage: variable message boards must be dimmed from dusk to dawn. Refer to Chapter 155 Sign Regulations.
      (9)   Trash disposal facilities: all outside trash or disposal facilities within the C-3 zoning district shall be located in the rear of the zoning lot and the building on the lot. All such facilities shall be appropriately screened from adjoining properties and in a manner that is compatible with the building site design for the zoning lot. Any such outdoor trash or disposal system must be maintained to avoid the existence of litter or the dispersal of trash outside the enclosure or the zoning lot. The accumulation of litter or trash is not permitted.
      (10)   Utilities: all utilities from the property line onto the property will be installed underground. All utilities at the property line with building frontage on any side will be installed underground regardless of their current conditions. Local public utility facilities shall be adequately screened with landscaping, fencing or walls, or any combination thereof, or shall be placed underground, or shall be enclosed in a structure in such a manner so as to blend with and complement the character of the surrounding area. All plans for screening the facilities shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review. No building permit shall be issued until the Planning Commission has approved the plans.
   (L)   Downtown Mixed-use Commercial - C-4 Zoning District. The C-4 commercial district represents a transition area where residential and commercial uses are integrated. The C-4 district aims to maintain and enhance the character of existing neighborhoods, support existing business sites, and facilitate redevelopment at a scale and intensity consistent with surrounding areas and the Comprehensive Plan. Businesses' compatibility with the existing downtown area is paramount and should be reflected in the design and site layout of buildings and structures within the district. The uses in the C-4 district should constitute an integral part of the surrounding area, promote the image of a traditional downtown shopping and dining area, and encourage a gathering place where walking and biking are key components. Mixed-use buildings containing retail, service, and residential uses on the first floor, and offices, services, or residences on the upper floors, shall be linked to and complemented by commercial and residential development within the district and nearby neighborhoods.
      (1)   (a)   All new buildings or building renovation projects in the C-4 district will be evaluated on the plans submitted to the Building and Zoning Department. The requirements for setbacks, parking, exterior finishes, and other city code compliance shall be at the discretion of the Code Enforcement Official and shall be based on the character of the existing adjacent properties.
         (b)   At the request of the Code Enforcement Official, any plans shall be brought to the Planning Commission for review and approval including projects with multiple buildings or tenants, unique circumstances such as poor visibility or irregularly shaped sites, or when a uniquely creative approach to development or design is proposed.
      (2)   Illumination: illumination of buildings and structures shall be controlled to preclude the spillage of light onto adjoining residential or commercial uses or lots. Refer to § 154.081 for additional lighting requirements for off-street parking, loading areas, and sidewalks.
      (3)   Land uses in a C-4 zoning district: for a general listing of permitted and special uses, refer to § 154.033.
      (4)   Manufacturing prohibited: no manufacturing or processing of material shall occur in the C-4 zoning district for off-premises consumption or use. Only incidental processing may occur on a zoning lot in the C-4 zoning district.
      (5)   Outside building or storage: not permitted on commercial or mixed-use lots.
      (6)   Signage: variable message boards must be dimmed from dusk to dawn. Refer to Chapter 155 Sign Regulations for additional requirements.
      (7)   Trash disposal facilities: all outside trash or disposal facilities within the C-4 zoning district shall be located at the rear of the zoning lot and the building on the lot. All such facilities shall be appropriately screened from adjoining properties and in a manner that is compatible with the building site design for the zoning lot. Any such outdoor trash or disposal system must be maintained to avoid the existence of litter or the dispersal of trash outside the enclosure or the zoning lot. The accumulation of litter or trash is not permitted. If the existing central business changes ownership or the nature of the business changes, trash disposal areas are required to be screened. Strictly single-family residential uses do not require any such facilities.
      (8)   Utilities: all utilities from the property line onto the property will be installed underground. All new utilities at the property line with building frontage on any side will be installed underground regardless of their current conditions. Local public utility facilities shall be adequately screened with landscaping, fencing, or walls, or any combination thereof, or shall be placed underground, or shall be enclosed in a structure in such a manner to blend with and complement the character of the surrounding area. All plans for screening the facilities shall be submitted to city staff for review. No building permit shall be issued until city staff has approved the plans.
   (M)   Planned Developments. See § 154.064 Planned Developments for requirements regarding types of planned developments, permitted uses, minimum site sizes, and the like.
   (N)   Light Industry - I-1 Zoning District. The I-1 Light Industry District is intended to provide for areas where light industry, research facilities and wholesale businesses may locate without detriment to the remainder of the community. In these areas, a satisfactory correlation of factors required by such uses exists or can be readily achieved.
      (1)   Area and bulk regulations: refer to § 154.032.
      (2)   Illumination: illumination of buildings and structures shall be controlled so as to preclude the spillage of light onto adjoining residential uses, lots, and streets.
      (3)   Land uses in an I-1 zoning district: for a general listing of permitted and special uses, refer to § 154.033.
      (4)   Outside building or storage: no outside storage permitted without privacy screening installed per § 154.061(B).
      (5)   Parking area requirements: refer to § 154.081.
      (6)   Signage: refer to Chapter 155 Sign Regulations.
      (7)   Trash disposal facilities: all outside trash or disposal facilities within the I-1 zoning district shall be located in the rear of the zoning lot and the building on the lot. Each building shall have its own centrally located disposal area, regardless of the number of tenants in the building. All such facilities shall be appropriately screened from adjoining properties and in a manner that is compatible with the building site design for the zoning lot. Any such outdoor trash or disposal system must be maintained to avoid the existence of litter or the dispersal of trash outside the enclosure or the zoning lot. The accumulation of litter or trash is not permitted.
      (8)   Utilities: all utilities within the developed property will be installed underground. Public utility facilities shall be adequately screened with landscaping, fencing or walls, or any combination thereof, or shall be placed underground, or shall be enclosed in a structure in such a manner so as to blend with and complement the character of the surrounding area.
   (O)   General Industry - I-2 Zoning District. The I-2 General Industry District is intended to provide for areas where heavy industries may locate without detriment to the remainder of the community. In these areas, a satisfactory correlation of factors required by such uses exists or can be readily achieved.
      (1)   Area and bulk regulations: refer to § 154.032.
      (2)   Illumination: illumination of buildings and structures shall be controlled so as to preclude the spillage of light onto adjoining residential uses, lots, and streets.
      (3)   Land uses in an I-2 zoning district: for a general listing of permitted and special uses, refer to § 154.033.
      (4)   Outside building or storage: no outside storage permitted without privacy screening installed per § 154.061(B).
      (5)   Parking area: refer to § 154.081.
      (6)   Signage: refer to Chapter 155 Sign Regulations.
      (7)   Trash disposal facilities: all outside trash or disposal facilities within the I-2 zoning district shall be located in the rear of the zoning lot and the building on the lot. Each building shall have its own centrally located disposal area, regardless of the number of tenants in the building. All such facilities shall be appropriately screened from adjoining properties and in a manner that is compatible with the building site design for the zoning lot. Any such outdoor trash or disposal system must be maintained to avoid the existence of litter or the dispersal of trash outside the enclosure or the zoning lot. The accumulation of litter or trash is not permitted.
      (8)   Utilities: all utilities within the developed property will be installed underground. Public utility facilities shall be adequately screened with landscaping, fencing or walls, or any combination thereof, or shall be placed underground, or shall be enclosed in a structure in such a manner so as to blend with and complement the character of the surrounding area.
(Ord. passed - - ; Ord. 2020-15, passed 6-15-2020; Ord. 2022-22, passed 6-20-2022; Ord. 2023-43, passed 8-7-2023)