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   (A)   Spaces. 
      (1)   Every parking space shall conform to the following requirements below. Such spaces shall be clearly designated by markings that delineate each space and shall be re-laid or restored as often as necessary to maintain such delineation, at the owner’s expense.
Minimum Parking Space Widths, Lengths and Vertical Clearance
Parking Type
Space Width
Space Length
Vertical Clearance
90 degree
10 feet
19 feet
7 feet
60 degree
10 feet
19 feet
7 feet
45 degree
10 feet
19 feet
7 feet
8 feet
22 feet
7 feet
16 feet
20 feet
7 feet
      (2)   Every parking space shall be situated so that no part of any parked vehicle can overhang the right-of-way, aisle ways, public or private sidewalks or property lines.
   (B)   Handicap parking spaces. The following minimum number of handicap parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and Illinois Accessibility Code.
      (1)   Minimum number. If any parking is provided for employees or visitors or both, the minimum number of accessible parking spaces to be provided for environmentally limited persons is as follows:
Total Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided
Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces
Total Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided
Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
2% of the total number
Over 1,000
20 plus one for each 100 over 1,000
      (2)   Location. Accessible parking spaces serving a particular building shall be located on the shortest accessible route of travel from adjacent parking to an accessible entrance.
      (3)   Dimensions and markings. Each parking space, except on-street spaces, shall consist of a 16 foot wide parking space including a diagonally striped access aisle. A high quality yellow paint recommended by the paint manufacturer for pavement striping shall be utilized. Parking spaces and access aisles shall have surface slopes not exceeding 1:50 (2%) in all directions.
      (4)   Signage. Accessible parking spaces shall be designated as reserved for environmentally limited persons by providing an R7-8 (US Department of Transportation standard) sign which contains the international symbol of accessibility. Such signs shall exhibit the words “$250 Fine”. The fine amount shall increase (or decrease) in accordance with any change in the state statutes.Signs shall be vertically mounted on a post or wall at front center of the parking space no more than five feet horizontally from the front parking space and set a minimum of four feet and a maximum of nine feet from finished grade to the bottom of the sign.
   (C)   Interior aisles. Aisles within parking lots in multi-family residential, commercial, and industrial districts shall be sufficiently wide to permit safe and efficient vehicular movement in the aisles, and into and out of parking spaces:
Aisle Widths
Parking Type:
Width of Aisle:
90 Degree
24 Feet
60 Degree
18 Feet (one-way)
24 Feet (two-way)
45 degree
13 feet (one-way)
24 feet (two-way)
24 Feet
   (D)   Access ways.
      (1)   General. Parking areas in the multi-family residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial districts shall be designed so that ingress to and egress from a parking space is from an aisle or driveway, not directly from the public right-of-way.
      (2)   Conformance requirements. All entrance construction shall be in conformance with the Illinois Department of Transportation manual, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, (latest edition) and in conformance with the Illinois Department of Transportation policy handbook, Access to State Highways (latest edition).
      (3)   Placement of entrances.
         (a)   All access ways to any parking area shall be located to provide a minimum of 30 feet of distance from the beginning of the driveway flare to the edge of the adjacent intersecting road. At intersections where traffic control devices are installed, the Code Official may increase this distance to prevent traffic hazards.
         (b)   Entrances shall be located so that sufficient sight distance is available to enable motorists to determine when gaps in the traffic stream are sufficient for safe entry. In locations where entrances are located on opposite sides of the street, alignment of entrances shall be undertaken to promote safe vehicular turning movements.
         (c)   The distance between the beginning of the flare of a high traffic volume generator and the rear edge of an adjacent roadway intersecting a state highway shall be at least 100 feet. Where volume projections indicate a need, sufficient distance from adjacent public road or property lines should be allowed for the construction of a right or left turn lane.
         (d)   Every parking lot ingress and egress shall be aligned so that it forms, as closely as possible, a right angle with the intersecting street.
      (4)   Access way widths.
         (a)   Agricultural, commercial, industrial and multi-family residential zoning district entrances shall not be less than 24 feet wide and shall be limited to a maximum of 35 feet wide measured at right angles to the centerline of the drive unless two one-way drives of 12 feet are provided. The widths measured shall be exclusive of all flares, at the right-of-way line, and/or at the end of the radii curves.
         (b)   The radii for non-commercial driveways should be a minimum of five feet with a maximum radius required to meet truck turning movements.
         (c)   Flares for commercial access facilities should range from a minimum of 15 feet to a maximum of 40 feet. A curb length of at least three feet shall be left undisturbed between the property line and the edge of the entranceway flare to allow for the construction of an adequate island between drives should the adjacent property owner desire to build an entrance.
         (d)   All driveways to off-street parking in single-family residential (R-1, R-1A, and R-1E) and two-family residential (R-2) zoning districts shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide and a maximum of 30 feet wide.
   (E)   Entrance islands. Entrance islands shall have a minimum dimension of six feet wide by ten feet long. Where the island is less than 25 feet long or ten feet wide, it must be outlined by curbing. Typically, the island should be located between four feet and ten feet behind the curb for curbed pavement sections or as required to provide a proper turning radius for the design vehicle proposed to utilize the facility.
   (F)   Cross access.
      (1)   Cross access is defined as a commonly shared or used pedestrian way or vehicular driveway that connects or serves two or more properties. The purpose of cross access may be to reduce the number of entrance intersections to an arterial or city street, to provide access via a signalized intersection, to provide direct access between developments, to provide access to lots not having road frontage, and the like.
      (2)   Cross access may be required as part of the site plan or subdivision review procedure, zoning request, and/or special variance request and shall be provided in accordance with the following conditions:
         (a)   At the time the site plan is submitted for review, the city will identify adjacent existing land use and its potential for change, existing traffic volumes and design features of the surrounding roadways, and the like, in order to ascertain the need for cross access. If the city determines cross access is required, the plan shall show the area included for cross access, including the driveway approach, internal driving and parking lot aisles and their extension to the property line(s) and the area(s) designated for connection to the adjacent property of cross access.
         (b)   The area designated for cross access shall be kept free of all landscaping, fences, trash enclosures, parking/loading spaces, and/or other improvements except as required by the zoning ordinance. Any approved improvements located in the areas designated for cross access shall be removed by the developer who is required to construct the pavement connection.
   (G)   Lighting.
      (1)   Every off-street parking facility regularly utilized during nighttime hours, shall be lighted to enable safe access to parked vehicles. Such lighting must be erected on private property unless the Code Official provides written permission for the lights to be located on the city right-of-way.
         (a)   All parking and loading areas and walkways shall be illuminated so as to produce a uniform minimum average illumination within such areas of two footcandles of illumination measured at the ground level.
         (b)   Lighting fixtures or standards without cutoff-type luminaries or with globe- style luminaries shall be no higher than 15 feet and shall have a maximum illumination output of not more than 10,000 lumens.
         (c)   Lighting fixtures or standards with a cutoff-type luminaire shall be no higher than 25 feet with a maximum average illumination of the property of five footcandles measured at ground level over the site.
         (d)   Where parking and loading areas are adjacent to residential areas, the maximum average illumination of the area between the rear building wall line and the property line abutting a residential area shall be one foot-candle measured at ground level over the site.
         (e)   At the property line abutting a residential area, the maximum illumination of the property shall be no higher than one-tenth (0.1) foot-candle.
         (f)   The correlated color temperature (CCT) for all exterior lighting shall not exceed 3,200 Kelvin.
      (2)   Lights on commercial premises must not constitute a nuisance to passing motorists. Such lights must not be similar to traffic control devices (i.e. signals or flashing beacons). No flashing, oscillating or rotating lights visible from any public highway may be placed on any building or structure located within 200 feet of the street.
      (3)   Any light(s) utilized to illuminate any parking facility shall be configured or shielded so as to confine direct light.
         (a)   Site lighting fixtures shall be compatible with the building design and the adjoining landscape and shall not be used in such a manner as to turn the building itself into “signage”.
         (b)   Site lighting shall be a concealed source, cut-off design.
         (c)   Site lighting shall not create glare that is directed toward or reflected onto adjoining properties.
            (1)   Site lighting shall not create glare that is directed toward or reflected onto streets or interior drives where such glare could negatively impact vehicular or pedestrian safety.
            (2)   Except as may be provided elsewhere in this section, site lighting shall at no time be directed upward, in a radiating and/or moving or sweeping pattern, or at any angle which will light surfaces other than building walls, parking or pedestrian areas, and landscaped areas, and shall not create lighting patterns which will direct light toward residential areas.
         (d)   At the time of filing an application for any use, development, amendment, or change as set out in division (A) above, a lighting plan for site lighting shall be provided on a separate sheet. The following information shall be submitted as part of the lighting plan:
            (1)   Manufacturer’s catalog cut sheet or other graphic and narrative description of the light standards, fixture heads, and/or luminaries with specification data.
            (2)   Photometric curves indicating both vertical and horizontal candlepower distribution.
            (3)   A plan of the site superimposed with a grid of not more than 20 feet between light sources showing the calculated foot-candle levels at average site grade at the center of each 20-foot grid.
      (4)   All site lighting shall be installed utilizing an underground cable.
      (5)   No light standard shall be placed as a freestanding structure within the parking area unless within a safety island if placed in said area or shall be placed around the perimeter of the parking area. Landscaping within ten feet of the light standard shall be not more than three feet in height.
      (6)   Any off-street parking or loading area used between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. shall contain a system of lighting to the required illumination standard. An average of fewer than four deliveries per month may be exempt from this requirement.
   (H)   Curbing.
      (1)   A minimum of a six-inch tall continuous curb, exclusive of ingress/egress points, shall be provided around the perimeter of all parking lots. Curbing shall be full depth Portland cement concrete.
      (2)   All interior landscaped areas provided within parking areas shall be raised and curbed.
   (I)   Sidewalks.
      (1)   Sidewalks shall be provided along the perimeter of the building, adjacent to drive aisles to and around patron parking areas and employee parking areas.
      (2)   Sidewalks shall be concrete and a minimum of five feet wide.
(Ord. passed - - ; Ord. 2022-14, passed 4-18-2022)