General Provisions
93.001 Obstruction of stairways or exits
93.002 Bonfires
Fire Prevention Code
93.015 Adoption of Fire Prevention Code by reference
Liquified Petroleum Gas
93.030 Definitions
93.031 Compliance with provisions
93.032 Standards adopted; exceptions
93.033 Equipment; permit required
93.034 Storage; permit required
93.035 Quantity limits; location of containers
Flammable Liquids
93.050 Use, storage and the like
93.051 Tank trucks carrying gasoline and the like
93.065 Definition
93.066 Transportation of explosives
93.067 Storage and sale of explosives; permit required
93.068 Use of explosive; permit required
93.080 Definition
93.081 Sale, use or storage of fireworks
93.082 Seizure authorized
93.083 Exceptions to provisions
93.999 Penalty