Pursuant to Section 929.18 and in compliance with Federal requirements for user charges, municipal corporations and other governmental entities which own and operate treatment works which discharge to the treatment works of the City and which are presently or hereafter will be under contract with the City for wastewater treatment services, shall establish user charges to be applied to users within their jurisdiction for the operation, maintenance and replacement of the treatment works under their jurisdiction. Such user charges and any capital charges imposed by such municipalities and other governmental entities upon users within their jurisdiction shall be in addition to the sewer service charge provided by Section 929.03 applicable to outside City users. Such additional charges, when requested by, and as provided for in such agreement between the City and such municipality or other governmental entity, may, at the option of the City, be billed and collected by the City on behalf of such municipalities and other governmental entities. The Director of Public Utilities shall have authority to negotiate and amend contracts with such municipalities or governmental entities for billing, collection and other administrative services as needed.
(Ord. 3-89. Passed 1-3-89.)