929.17. Annual review of sewer service charge.
   In addition to the requirements of Charter Sections 165 and 223, on or before January 15 of each year, the Director of Public Utilities shall review the rules and regulations, proposed budget, customer data, sewer service charge, scheduled and unscheduled charges and fees pertinent to the Sewerage System Funds. If changes, revisions or modifications of user charges are necessary in order to ensure that each user charge is proportional to the cost of providing that user or user class with wastewater treatment service or if changes, revisions or modifications of capital charges are necessary to meet the capital expenses or the indenture requirements of existing and proposed debt of the treatment works, the Director shall recommend proposed revisions to Council. The user charge components of the sewer service charge contained in Chapter 929 shall be in accordance with the regulations of the EPA, which now require that:
   (a)   The user charges shall result in the distribution of operation, maintenance and replacement costs of the treatment works under the jurisdiction and control of the City to each user class in proportion to such user's contribution to the total wastewater loading of the treatment works. Factors such as strength, volume and delivery flow rate characteristics shall be included to ensure a proportional distribution of the costs.
(Ord. 3-89. Passed 1-3-89.)
   (b)   The charges shall be reviewed at least annually and revised periodically as required.
(Ord. 223-89. Passed 3-14-89.)
   (c)   The user charges shall generate revenue sufficient to meet all costs of operations, maintenance and replacement of the system.
(Ord. 3-89. Passed 1-3-89.)