General Provisions
   155.001   Title of chapter
   155.002   Purpose of chapter
   155.003   Definitions
   155.004   Periodic inspection
   155.005   Variances
   155.006   Certain information to be posted on signs; minimum clearance
   155.007   Temporary business signs
   155.020   Required
   155.021   Application
   155.022   Issuance; time limit for completion of work
   155.023   Fee
   155.024   Bond or liability insurance
   155.025   Revocation
   155.026   Signs exempted from permitting process
Prohibited Signs
   155.040   Failure to obtain proper permits
   155.041   Damaged or inadequately maintained signs
   155.042   Outdated signs
   155.043   Obstructions to doors, windows or fire escapes; attachment to standpipe or fire escape
   155.044   Traffic hazards
   155.045   Unsafe signs
   155.046   Illuminated signs
   155.047   Flashing signs
   155.048   Obscene signs
   155.049   Vehicular signs
   155.050   Moving signs
   155.051   Posting signs on trees, utility poles or other fixtures
Allowable Signs
   155.065   On-premises freestanding signs
   155.066   Attached signs
   155.067   Off-premises signs
   155.068   Portable signs
   155.069   Garage sale signs
   155.070   Off-premises subdivision identification and directional signs
Administration and Enforcement
   155.085   Non-conforming signs
   155.086   Notice of violation; removal or alteration of unlawful signs
   155.087   Protection of First Amendment rights
   155.999   Penalty
   This chapter shall be known and cited as the “Sign Regulations”.
(1998 Code, § 98-1) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993)
   The purpose of this chapter is to establish reasonable regulations for the design, construction, installation and maintenance of all exterior signs in the city in order to:
   (A)   Balance the right of individuals to identify their businesses and convey their messages and the right of the public to be protected against the unrestricted proliferation of signs;
   (B)   Further the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan;
   (C)   Protect the public health, safety and welfare;
   (D)   Reduce traffic hazards;
   (E)   Facilitate the creation of an attractive and harmonious community;
   (F)   Protect property values;
   (G)   Promote economic development; and
   (H)   Preserve the right of free speech exercised through the use of signs containing non-commercial messages.
(1998 Code, § 98-2) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993)
§ 155.003 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BANNER. Any sign constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric or other light material, and shall include advertising balloons.
   ERECT. To build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend or affix, and shall also include the painting of signs.
   FACING and SURFACE. The surface of the sign upon, against or through which the message is displayed or illustrated on the sign.
   ILLUMINATED SIGN. Any sign which has characters, letters, fixtures, designs or outlines illuminated externally by electric lights or internally by luminous tubes.
   INCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. Any material which will not ignite at or below a temperature of 1,200°F and will not continue to burn or glow at that temperature.
   MONUMENT SIGN. Any freestanding sign having a low profile and made of masonry, metal, routed wood planks or beams, durable plastic or similar materials, including individual lettering, which repeats or harmonizes with the architecture of the establishment it serves. MONUMENT SIGNS must be built on a monument base as opposed to a pole base. Message boards and electronically displayed time and temperature may not occupy more than 24 square feet of the area of the sign face.
   OTHER ADVERTISING STRUCTURE. Any marquee, canopy, awning or street clock.
   PERMITTEE. A person receiving an erection permit pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
   POLE SIGN. Any sign supported by one or more columns, poles, uprights or braces anchored in or on the ground and not attached to any building and as defined by the Standard Building Code.
   PORTABLE SIGN. Any sign designed or constructed to be easily moved from one location to another, and mounted upon or designed to be mounted upon a wheeled carrier or other framed structure.
   SIGN. Any structure, part thereof or device or inscription which is located upon, attached to, or painted or represented on any land or on the outside of any building or structure, or on an awning, canopy, marquee or similar appendage, or displayed or shown so as to be seen from the outside of the building or structure, and which displays or includes any numeral, letter, word, model, banner, emblem, insignia, symbol, device, monogram, heraldry, light or other representation used as or in the nature of an announcement, advertisement, attention arrester, direction, warning, or designation of any person, firm, group, organization, corporation, association, place, commodity, product, service, business, profession, enterprise, industry, activity or any combination thereof. When the word SIGN is used herein without further modification, the same shall be understood to embrace all regulated signs.
   SIGN AREA. The total square footage of all sign facing, including that portion of the supporting structure or trim which carries any wording, symbols, identifying colors or pictures; provided, however, in the case of double-faced signs, only one face shall be computed to determine SIGN AREA .
   STRUCTURAL TRIM. The molding, battens, cappings, nailing strips, latticing and platforms which are attached to the sign structure.
(1998 Code, § 98-3) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993; Ord. 99-28, passed 5-5-1999; Ord. 00-55, passed 9-20-2000)
   The Building Inspector shall inspect periodically, or whenever deemed necessary, each sign or other advertising structure regulated by this chapter for the purpose of ascertaining whether the structure is unsafe, in need of repair, not in conformance with the permit application or otherwise in violation of the provisions of this chapter.
(1998 Code, § 98-4) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993)