This section shall apply to all attached signs, including painted wall signs and temporary business signs.
(A) Number of signs.
(1) Single-occupancy buildings shall not be limited as to number of signs allowed.
(2) A multi-occupant building may have up to one attached sign for each occupant on each side of the building.
(B) Total area. Total effective area of attached signs shall not exceed the lesser of the following:
(1) The total area of all attached signs on each side of a building shall not exceed two square feet per length of wall on that side of the building.
(2) In districts zoned E, E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, F, F-1, G and H, no single attached sign shall exceed 250 square feet in effective area.
(3) No attached sign shall exceed 100 square feet in effective area in districts O-P, D, D-1 and P-I.
(C) Projection from building surface. All attached signs and their words shall be mounted parallel to the building surface to which they are attached, and shall project not more than 18 inches from the surface except as follows.
(1) Any on-premises or any non-residential occupancy may erect not more than one attached sign projecting up to a maximum of four feet from a vertical building surface, but not above the roof; provided that, the sign does not exceed 20 square feet in effective area and that no part of the sign descends closer to site grade than ten feet, or projects into or over any public right-of-way.
(2) No business or non-residential occupancy may erect a sign above the eaves or edge of the roof, or above a parapet, or above or below an edge of a canopy.
(1998 Code, § 98-132) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993; Ord. 00-55, passed 9-20-2000) Penalty, see § 155.999
(A) Off-premises signs shall only be allowed within 100 feet of the right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 45, State Highway 3 and State Highway 146 south of Loop 197 North, FM 517 (from Gum Bayou to State Highway 146), and State Highway (from Loop 197 north to State Highway 646), and only if the sign is located in districts zoned E, E-2, E-3, E-4, F, F-1, G, H and S-P.
(B) Signs must be located a minimum of 100 feet from all other zoned districts.
(C) Signs must be located a minimum of 300 feet from the intersection of any state highways and 100 feet from the intersection of any non-state road or street.
(D) Maximum face area of the sign shall not exceed 672 square feet per side, including structural trim. Maximum height shall be 42.5 feet from ground level.
(E) There shall be a minimum separation of 3,500 feet between off-premises signs on the same side of the highway.
(1998 Code, § 98-133) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993; Ord. 04-54, passed 11-3-2004) Penalty, see § 155.999
(A) Permitted signs for businesses. Portable signs shall be permitted, on-premises, on a temporary basis, one time per certificate of occupancy, for the initial opening of a business for a period of time not exceeding 30 days; plus, a portable sign may be used for a maximum continuous period of 30 days per calendar year on-premises.
(B) Permitted signs for governmental agencies. Portable signs shall be permitted on a temporary basis for use by governmental agencies for notification of general public events and public information.
(C) Permitted signs for non-profit organizations. Portable signs shall be permitted on a temporary basis for use by non-profit organizations with an annual use of not more than 15 days.
(D) Location generally. The location of a portable sign must be approved by the Building Official and may not constitute a traffic hazard.
(E) Area. The maximum area per side of the sign shall be 60 square feet.
(F) Location of business signs. Portable signs for businesses shall be located on the site and shall be allowed only in districts zoned O-P, D, D-1, P-I, E, E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, F, F-1, G, G-1 and H.
(G) Construction standards. Portable signs shall be securely anchored and constructed and erected in accordance with the City Building Code and Electrical Code.
(H) Setbacks. Setbacks shall be in accordance with § 155.065(C) of this chapter, pertaining to monument signs.
(I) Permit fee. The permit fee for portable signs shall be $10, plus an electrical permit fee of $5 if the sign is lighted.
(1998 Code, § 98-134) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993)
The person holding a garage sale shall be entitled to post two on-premises and two off-premises temporary signs on private property only. Said signs shall not exceed two square feet in size. All signs must be removed by Sunday at 6:00 p.m. after the sale, or the holder of the sale is subject to penalties.
(1998 Code, § 98-135) (Ord. 99-28, passed 5-5-1999)
(A) Location. Off-premises signs shall not be located on public rights-of-way and shall maintain a five-foot setback from public right-of-ways. Off-premises signs will only be permitted on undeveloped private property with the written consent of the property owner or agent for the owner of said property.
(B) Permit. A registered sign contractor shall submit a permit application which shall include a site plan, sign specifications and a notarized copy of the property owners consent form. A permit fee of $25 will be assessed for each sign.
(C) Size. Off-premises signs will not exceed 64 square feet per sign face, maximum height of 12 feet, minimum height of four feet to bottom of sign.
(D) Number of off-premises signs. For the purpose of marketing, a recorded subdivision will be allowed two off-premises signs. Such permitted signs are allowed for a maximum period of two years and upon expiration of such two-year period shall be promptly removed. If the subdivision is less than 80% sold at the end of such two-year period, the sign may be permitted for two additional years. At the end of the additional two-year time period said sign will be promptly removed.
(E) Off-premises sign information. The off-premises sign shall be limited to the following information:
(1) Name of the subdivision;
(2) Location of the subdivision;
(3) Distance of the subdivision; and
(4) Directions (with directional map) to the subdivision.
(1998 Code, § 98-136) (Ord. 04-10, passed 5-5-2004)
Any sign or other advertising structure except portable and temporary signs legally in existence on 11-17-1993, shall be allowed to remain as a non-conforming sign and may continue its non-conforming use status unless:
(A) The sign is damaged by more than 50% of its total replacement value;
(B) The sign has been issued a temporary permit or there are conditional restraints;
(C) The sign is structurally altered to change it size, shape or height or location; and
(1998 Code, § 98-31) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993)