No sign or other advertising structure shall have lights or illuminations that flash, move, scroll, rotate, scintillate, blink, flicker, vary in intensity or color, or use intermittent electrical pulsations except as provided in § 155.050 of this chapter.
(1998 Code, § 98-98) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993; Ord. 99-28, passed 5-5-1999) Penalty, see § 155.999
No sign or other advertising structure shall display any matter in which the dominant theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to a prurient interest in sex, or is patently offensive because it affronts contemporary community standards relating to the description or representation of sexual matters, and is utterly without redeeming social value.
(1998 Code, § 98-99) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993) Penalty, see § 155.999
No sign shall be painted on or attached to a motor vehicle used primarily for the display of such sign. This section shall not prohibit the identification of a business or its products or services on its vehicles operated and parked in a manner appropriate to the normal course of business. No vehicle sign shall extend beyond the frame or body more than 12 inches.
(1998 Code, § 98-100) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993; Ord. 99-28, passed 5-5-1999) Penalty, see § 155.999
No sign shall have visible moving, revolving or rotating parts or visible mechanical movement of any kind, except for the movable hands on street clocks, or other apparent visible movement achieved by electrical, electronic or mechanical means, which changes every 15 seconds or less.
(1998 Code, § 98-101) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993; Ord. 99-28, passed 5-5-1999) Penalty, see § 155.999
No person shall attach or maintain a sign upon any tree, street sign, bench, fence, utility pole or other public or private amenity.
(1998 Code, § 98-102) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993; Ord. 99-28, passed 5-5-1999) Penalty, see § 155.999
(A) General. The two common type ground/freestanding signs allowed are pole-supported and monument style signs. These signs must be located on the site where the goods or services are offered.
(B) Pole-supported signs.
(1) On-premises pole signs are permitted only in districts zoned D, D-1, E, E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, F, F-1, G, G-2 and H.
(2) Standards:
(a) One skirted sign is permitted for each development, with an allowable total sign area of 80 square fee, including the frame. The skirted sign may not exceed 20 feet in height. The skirt width shall be a maximum of four feet and a minimum of two feet.
(b) Only one single pole for each single business is allowed and a maximum of two poles is allowed for integrated business signs.
(c) No additional sign shall be permitted for a business that is located on the corner of two streets.
(d) Signs shall have a maximum length to width ratio and width to length ratio of three to one. The minimum bottom height of a pole sign shall be nine feet.
(e) Integrated business developments (multi-tenant centers). Multi-tenant centers may increase the area of the sign by a maximum of 15 square feet per additional tenant, up to a maximum area of 155 square feet for six tenants. For integrated business developments (multi-tenant centers) of more than six tenants, a maximum of two signs is allowed with a 100-foot minimum separation. Temporary business and portable signs shall be permitted according to §§ 155.007 and 155.068 of this chapter.
(C) Monument signs.
(1) Number of signs. The only type of ground sign permitted in district C, C-1, O-P and P-I is a monument sign. Only one monument sign may be installed per premises or developed lot.
(2) Single-occupant parcels.
(a) Height. Detached monument signs, including the base, advertising single occupancies, shall not exceed six feet in height above the average grade of the development.
(b) Area. Signs may be single- or double-faced, with the actual sign face not exceeding 60 square feet per side. Total cross-sectional area shall not exceed five square feet.
(c) Location. The sign may be located five feet inside the property line provided it does not create hazards to traffic or pedestrians. The Building Official shall approve the exact location of the sign. A setback from the corner of 45 feet is required at all intersection corners.
(3) Integrated business developments and multi-occupant parcels.
(a) Parcels having two or more businesses, as permitted by individual certificate of occupancy permits, may have a multi-occupancy (community) pedestal sign in place of a single-occupancy sign.
(b) A multi-occupancy pedestal sign shall not exceed six feet in height above the average grade of the nearest public right-of-way. Signs may be single- or double-faced, with the actual sign face not exceeding 60 square feet, plus five square feet for each business in the center. Total cross sectional area shall not exceed eight square feet.
(c) Multi-family developments with main entrances on different streets or 250 feet apart shall be permitted one pedestal sign at each such entrance.
(D) Detached accessory signs. A maximum of two detached accessory signs, such as menu boards for drive-through restaurants, are permitted per lot or tract. The sign shall not exceed six feet in height and shall be single-faced, with the message area not exceeding 20 square feet. The signs shall not face a public right-of-way which serves the front of the building.
(E) Businesses in the IH-45 Highway Corridor. For purposes of this division (E), the
shall mean an area adjacent to and either side of the right-of-way line of IH-45 within the limits of the city. Within the Highway Corridor, the maximum height of a ground sign shall be 42.5 feet and a maximum square footage of 160 square feet. Pole signs shall be skirted.
(1998 Code, § 98-131) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993; Ord. 99-28, passed 5-5-1999; Ord. 00-42, passed 7-19-2000; Ord. 01-16, passed 7-3-2001)