   (A)   Definition. The term TEMPORARY BUSINESS SIGN , as used in this chapter, shall mean any sign, banner, pennant or other advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard or other light materials, with or without frames, with or without words, intended to be displayed for a limited period of time on the property of the business.
   (B)   Size and weight limitations.
      (1)   Size limitation. No temporary business sign of combustible material shall exceed four feet in one of its dimensions or 60 square feet in area.
      (2)   Weight limitation. Temporary business signs weighing in excess of 50 pounds must be approved by the Building Inspector as conforming to the safety requirements of the Building Code of the city.
   (C)   Projection over public property. No temporary business sign shall extend over or into any street right-of-way, alley, sidewalk or other public thoroughfare.
   (D)   Anchorage and support. Every temporary business sign shall be attached with wire or steel cables. No strings, ropes or wood slats for anchorage or support purposes shall be permitted.
   (E)   Maximum display period. Temporary business signs shall not be allowed to remain for a period exceeding 15 days in a six-month period.
   (F)   Permitted advertising. The advertisement contained on any temporary business sign shall pertain only to the business, industry or pursuit conducted on or within the premises on which such sign is erected or maintained. This provision shall not apply to signs of a civic, political or religious nature.
(1998 Code, § 98-7) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993) Penalty, see § 155.999
§ 155.020 REQUIRED.
   Except as provided in § 155.026 of this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, relocate or structurally alter within the city any sign or other advertising structure as defined in this chapter without first obtaining an erection permit from the Building Inspector and making payment of the fee required by § 155.023 of this chapter. All illuminated signs shall, in addition, be subject to the provisions of the Electrical Code and its requisite permit fees. No permit is required for repair, repainting or maintenance which does not entail structural change or for change of copy or message. Any change of the sign face will be considered a structural change.
(1998 Code, § 98-61) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993; Ord. 99-28, passed 5-5-1999) Penalty, see § 155.999
§ 155.021 APPLICATION.
   Application for a sign erection permit shall be made upon a form provided by the Building Inspector and shall contain and have attached the following:
   (A)   Name, address and telephone number of the applicant;
   (B)   Location of the building, structure or lot to which or upon which the sign or other advertising structure is to be attached or erected;
   (C)   Position of the sign or other advertising structure in relation to nearby buildings or structures;
   (D)   Two blueprints or drawings of the plans and specifications and method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground;
   (E)   A copy of registered professional engineer’s certification and calculations showing that the structure is designed to meet the wind pressure and dead load requirements of this chapter and all other laws and ordinances of the city;
   (F)   Name of the person erecting the structure;
   (G)   Written consent of the owner of the building, structure or land to which or on which the structure is to be erected;
   (H)   Any required electrical permit;
   (I)   An insurance policy or bond as required by § 155.024 of this chapter; and
   (J)   Such other information as the Building Inspector shall require to show full compliance with this chapter and all other laws and ordinances of the city.
(1998 Code, § 98-62) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993)
   Upon the filing of an application for a sign erection permit, the Building Inspector shall:
   (A)   Examine the plans and specifications and the premises upon which the proposed structure shall be erected; and
   (B)   Issue a permit if the proposed structure complies with the requirements of this chapter and all other laws and ordinances of the city. If the work authorized under an erection permit is not completed within six months after the date of issuance, the permit shall become null and void.
(1998 Code, § 98-63) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993)
§ 155.023 FEE.
   Every applicant, prior to issuance of a permit pursuant to § 155.022 of this chapter, shall pay to the city a non-refundable fee in accordance with the SSBCI permit fee schedule on file with the Building Official for each sign or other advertising structure regulated by this chapter.
(1998 Code, § 98-64) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993)
   Every applicant for a sign permit shall, before the permit is granted, file with the Building Inspector a continuing bond in the penal sum of $5,000, executed by the applicant and a surety company to be approved by the City Attorney and conditioned for the faithful observance of all laws and ordinances relating to signs and other advertising structures, and which shall indemnify and save harmless the city from any and all damages, judgments, costs or expenses which the city may incur or suffer by reason of the granting of the permit. A liability insurance policy issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in the state which conforms to the provisions of this section may be permitted in lieu of a bond.
(1998 Code, § 98-65) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993)
§ 155.025 REVOCATION.
   The Building Inspector may revoke any permit issued under this chapter where there has been a violation of the provisions of this chapter or a misrepresentation of fact on the permit application.
(1998 Code, § 98-66) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993)
   The following signs are exempt from the permit requirements of this chapter:
   (A)   Temporary signs not exceeding eight square feet in area which advertise the sale, rental or lease of the premises upon which the sign is located. Such signs shall be removed no later than seven days following sale or rental of the subject property. These type signs must be located on private property. Banners are not exempt and shall be permitted as a temporary sign as set out in § 155.007 of this chapter;
   (B)   Temporary political signs concerning candidates for public office or ballot issues as provided in this division (B). Such signs are exempt from the permitting process if they are:
      (1)   Located in residential areas and the sign size is four square feet or less, or located in commercial or open undeveloped land and the sign size is 32 square feet or less;
      (2)   Not erected earlier than 60 days prior to the election or referendum;
      (3)   Removed seven days after the election or referendum; and
      (4)   Only located on private property.
   (C)   Temporary signs advertising the date, time and location of a garage or yard sale and not exceeding four square feet in area. Such signs shall be posted no more than three days prior to and removed one day after the sale;
   (D)   Signs attached to the inside of a window and not exceeding four square feet in area which do not exceed 25% of the area of the window pane;
   (E)   Signs which are an integral part of the historic character of a landmark building or historic district;
   (F)   Public signs regulating vehicular or pedestrian traffic or designating or giving direction to streets, schools, hospitals, historical sites or public facilities;
   (G)   Flags of any government or governmental agency or any patriotic, religious, charitable, civic, educational or fraternal organization not exceeding 40 square feet in area;
   (H)   Temporary signs in conjunction with special community events by non-profit organizations, a campaign of a church, or other community activity. Such signs shall not exceed 32 square feet in area, shall not be erected more than ten days in advance of the event and shall be removed within one day after the termination of the event. Temporary signs shall be securely anchored and shall not exceed seven feet in height from ground level;
   (I)   Temporary displays or decorations customarily associated with any national, state, local or religious holiday or celebration. Such signs shall be erected no more than 45 days before and removed no later than 14 days after the celebration;
   (J)   Handheld signs of a non-commercial nature not set on or affixed to the ground and not exceeding ten square feet in area;
   (K)   Temporary signs identifying the architect, engineer, developer or contractor when placed upon construction sites and not exceeding 64 square feet in area. Such signs shall not be erected prior to approval of a site plan and shall be removed no later than seven days after completion of the project;
   (L)   Commercial building occupational signs identifying the name and profession of the occupant and not exceeding two square feet in area;
   (M)   Memorial or commemorative plaques or tablets denoting a building name and/or date of erection or a location of historic significance and not exceeding four square feet in area;
   (N)   Any sign for informational (non-advertisement) purposes not exceeding one square foot in effective area with letters not exceeding four inches in height; and
   (O)   Property identification signs indicating address and/or name and not exceeding two square feet in area for residential land uses or five square feet in area for non-residential land uses.
(1998 Code, § 98-67) (Ord. 93-69, passed 11-17-1993; Ord. 94-22, passed 11-16-1994; Ord. 99-28, passed 5-5-1999)