For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AT LARGE. A dog shall be deemed at large within the meaning of this subchapter when it is not under the control of the owner, or that of a person authorized by the owner to care for such dog, either by cord, leash, chain or confinement.
CATS. Both male and female feline animals.
CONFINEMENT. Confined within a building or home, or within a fenced yard or premises, so that the dog cannot escape from the building, house or fenced yard or premises without human assistance.
DOGS. Both male and female canine animals.
OWNER. Any person, firm, association or group, unincorporated or not, owning, keeping or harboring a dog or cat.
(1998 Code, § 18-31)
(A) All dogs and cats, four months of age or older, within the city are hereby required to be immunized against rabies by means of an anti-rabies vaccine approved by the Galveston County Animal Resource Center and administered by a duly licensed veterinarian.
(B) Every veterinarian who vaccinates any dog or cat within the city shall issue a certificate of vaccination to the owner, stating the name and address of the owner, a description of the dog or cat, the date of vaccination, the number of the rabies vaccination tag and the kind of vaccine used, which the owner shall give to the authorized person of the city.
(1998 Code, § 18-32)
(A) Upon the presentation of proof of vaccination of each dog or cat and the payment of a fee of $10, the the Galveston County Animal Resource Center shall furnish the owner thereof a durable tag per animal. The tag shall be valid for the time of ownership or control of such animal and shall at all times be securely attached to a collar or harness around the neck of the animal.
(B) In the event of replacement for a lost tag or change in ownership or control of such animal, there shall be a fee of $10.
(1998 Code, § 18-33)
Statutory reference:
Annual registration of dogs and issuance of identification tags, see Tex. Health and Safety Code §§ 822.021 et seq.
The the Galveston County Animal Resource Center shall prepare a card upon which shall be recorded the name of the person receiving an identification tag under § 95.017 of this chapter, his or her address, a description of the animal for which a tag is issued and the date of inoculation. The card shall be kept in such a place as to be readily available to the Galveston County Animal Resource Center for inspection.
(1998 Code, § 18-34)
It shall be unlawful for any person to so affix, attach or secure on or to any dog or cat any tag, rope, collar or harness or other article in such a manner as to cause the animal pain or suffering.
(1998 Code, § 18-35) Penalty, see § 95.999