General Provisions
   151.001   Removal of diseased plants, shrubs and trees
   151.002   Sidewalks (payment, repavement, repair)
Snow Removal from Sidewalks
   151.015   Title
   151.016   Definitions
   151.017   Responsibility for removal of snow and ice from sidewalks
   151.018   Responsibility for removal from roofs
   151.019   Depositing of snow and ice restricted
   151.020   Snow emergency
Placement of Dumpsters, PODs® or Similar Devices
   151.035   Purpose
   151.036   Definitions
   151.037   Applicability
   151.038   Requirements
   151.039   Fee
   151.040   Enforcement
   151.041   Declaration of nuisance
   151.055   Definitions and interpretations
   151.056   Permit required to make opening or excavation
   151.057   Application for permit
   151.058   Permit fee
   151.059   Issuance of permits restricted
   151.060   Information contained on permit
   151.061   Permit approval/disapproval
   151.062   Responsibility to contact utilities
   151.063   Refilling and restoration fee
   151.064   Refilling of opening or excavation; restoration of surface; responsibility for defects occurring within two years
   151.065   Responsibility of permit holder for certain work; right of borough to do certain work; charges
   151.066   Requirements for work; correction of unsatisfactory work; completion of incomplete work
   151.067   Extension of permit; additional fees
   151.068   Emergency openings
   151.069   Restrictions regarding trees and shrubbery
   151.070   Work necessitating opening or excavation to be done prior to street improvement and not until five years thereafter; exception
   151.071   Conditions for laying and extending utility lines
   151.072   Payment for work done by borough
   151.073   Applicability
   151.999   Penalty