General Provisions
151.001 Removal of diseased plants, shrubs and trees
151.002 Sidewalks (payment, repavement, repair)
Snow Removal from Sidewalks
151.015 Title
151.016 Definitions
151.017 Responsibility for removal of snow and ice from sidewalks
151.018 Responsibility for removal from roofs
151.019 Depositing of snow and ice restricted
151.020 Snow emergency
Placement of Dumpsters, PODs® or Similar Devices
151.035 Purpose
151.036 Definitions
151.037 Applicability
151.038 Requirements
151.039 Fee
151.040 Enforcement
151.041 Declaration of nuisance
151.055 Definitions and interpretations
151.056 Permit required to make opening or excavation
151.057 Application for permit
151.058 Permit fee
151.059 Issuance of permits restricted
151.060 Information contained on permit
151.061 Permit approval/disapproval
151.062 Responsibility to contact utilities
151.063 Refilling and restoration fee
151.064 Refilling of opening or excavation; restoration of surface; responsibility for defects occurring within two years
151.065 Responsibility of permit holder for certain work; right of borough to do certain work; charges
151.066 Requirements for work; correction of unsatisfactory work; completion of incomplete work
151.067 Extension of permit; additional fees
151.068 Emergency openings
151.069 Restrictions regarding trees and shrubbery
151.070 Work necessitating opening or excavation to be done prior to street improvement and not until five years thereafter; exception
151.071 Conditions for laying and extending utility lines
151.072 Payment for work done by borough
151.073 Applicability
151.999 Penalty
(A) The borough may require owners of property abutting on any street, including state highways, to cut and remove plants, shrubs and trees, which are no longer viable or afflicted with Dutch elm or other disease, which threatens to injure or destroy plants, shrubs and shade trees, or destroy property in the borough.
(B) Notice to remove diseased trees shall be given by registered or certified mail to abutting property owners, and such owners shall have 20 days to comply with said notice.
(C) On failure of any owner, after reasonable notice, to comply with the terms of any such regulation, the borough may call such trees to be removed at the expense of the borough, and thereupon, in the name of the borough, collect the cost of such work from the owners in default, as debts of like amount or by law collectible.
(D) Where in the opinion of the borough a dangerous condition exists that can be remedied by an expenditure of $100, the borough shall send such property owner notice by registered or certified mail stating an emergency situation exists which requires removal of the tree or parts of the tree. Upon failure of such owner to comply with the notice within 48 hours after receiving it, the borough may make the emergency removal and levy costs of its work on such owner as a property lien to be collected in the manner provided by law.
(Ord. 138-1988, passed 8-1-1988) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Be it ordained and enacted by the corporation of the borough in Borough Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, that whenever Borough Council shall by resolution direct any owner or owners of a lot or lots of ground, to grade, pave, repave or repair the sidewalks fronting on such lot or lots of ground or shall direct such owner or owners to curb, gutter, recurb or regutter the curbs or gutters at the edge of such sidewalk, then written or printed notice shall be served on such lot owner or owners by the Secretary/Treasurer of the Borough Council in the manner set forth by the Act of Assembly of the commonwealth, approved May 24, 1901, P. L. 297; that is to say, such notice shall be served upon the owner of the premises to which such notice refers, if such owner is a resident of the borough. If such owner is not a resident, then the notice may be served on the agent or tenant of the owner or upon the occupant of the said premises, if said owner has no agent or tenant, or if there be no occupier of the said premises, then by printed or written notice tacked upon the premises.
(B) The notice required by division (A) above shall provide that if such lot owner does not, as the case may be, grade, pave, repave or repair the sidewalks, or curb, gutter, recurb or regutter the curb or gutter as requested, on 30-days’ notice to him or her so to do, then and in such case the same will be done by and under the direction of the Borough Council and the cost thereof, together with a 10% penalty, will be collected by the borough from such owner or owners. The Borough Secretary/Treasurer is hereby authorized to have printed such notices from time to time as is necessary for the purposes of this division (B).
(C) If, after the expiration of 30 days from the service of such notice, the lot owner or owners have not complied with or proceeded to comply with the requirements of such notice, then and in such case the Borough Council may direct to be done the work or improvement demanded by such notice, and the same shall be done at the cost of such owner or owners of the lot or lots, and the costs thereof together with a 10% penalty, and together with all charges and expenses, shall be collected by the borough from such owner or owners, in any manner whatsoever, as may be provided by law.
(D) Whenever any pavements are laid, or whenever any repairing is done, or curbs and gutters constructed, under the provisions of this section, the construction of the curbs and gutters shall be monolithic concrete consisting of one part portland cement, two parts clean sharp sand and four parts of stone or slag, and in the case of pavements, the pavements laid shall be monolithic concrete consisting of one part portland cement, two parts clean sharp sand and four parts of stone or slag, of a width of five feet, a depth of 31 inches, and all construction to be under the supervision of the street committee of Borough Council.
(Ord. 19, passed 6-2-1924) Penalty, see § 151.999