General Provisions
150.01 Landlords providing list of tenants
150.02 Requirement of moving permit
Codes Adopted
150.15 Adoption of International Existing Building Code, International Fire Code, International Building Code, International Energy Conservation Code, International Mechanical Code, International Code Council Electrical Code, International Plumbing Code, International Property Maintenance Code, International Fuel Gas Code and International Residential Code
Grading of Land
150.30 Title
150.31 Regulated activities
150.32 Unlawful acts
150.33 Effect on other permits
150.34 Application for a permit
150.35 Nonassumption of liability
150.36 Specifications and requirements
150.37 Approval of permits
150.38 Regulations for permit holders and others
150.39 Inspections
150.40 Revocation or suspension
150.41 Remedies
150.42 Checklist
150.99 Penalty
Flood prevention, see Ch. 152
Stormwater management, see Ch. 153
Subdivision and land development, see Ch. 154