(A) Purpose. Protection of the Town of Swansboro’s natural environment and enhancement of the ’s built environment with installation and maintenance of new landscape areas are important to the Town of Swansboro and its citizens. The regulations of this section are a tool to ensure these goals are accomplished. The purposes of this subchapter are:
(1) To enhance the visual character of the
, and preserve the economic value of property by screening objectionable views within and between uses and provide assistance in noise abatement;
(2) To encourage the proper use of land by promoting an appropriate balance between the built environment and preservation/conservation of
(3) To preserve and improve property values and protect private and public investment through preservation of
, protection of the existing tree canopy, providing buffers between incompatible uses and along roadways, and encouraging the planting of new
as deemed appropriate;
(4) To promote the aesthetic quality of property that provides important psychological, sociological, and aesthetic counterpoints to the man-made urban setting;
(5) To preserve the climatic balance while contributing to the process of air purification and oxygen regeneration and to add environmental value by reducing
and heat, decrease wind velocity, and to promote energy conservation by maximizing the shading and cooling effects of trees;
(6) To preserve the ecological value of property by the stabilization and fertilization of soil and the prevention of soil erosion;
(7) To consider the guidelines and recommendations in Swansboro’s Land Use Plan;
(8) To preserve, protect and enhance the identity, character and business economy of Swansboro, and
(9) To set forth
standards and requirements for preserving existing
and installation of new landscape areas.
design shall be allowed in required .
(B) Application. The requirements of this section shall apply to:
(1) All new or changed uses of land, , and structures located within the Town of Swansboro Planning and Zoning Jurisdiction which are not exempted in division (C) of this section; and
(2) Any use of or which sits idle more than 180 consecutive days or is abandoned, except those uses exempted in sections (C)(1) through (C)(3).
(C) None of the landscaping and screening requirements of this section shall apply to:
(1) Existing uses and , including repairs,
, or
to the interiors and exteriors of existing which do not result in a change of use or additions or expansions to the ;
(2) Expansion of existing structures where the cost of the expansion project is less than or equal to 50% of either the current tax value or appraised value of the existing (s). In the event the expansion of existing structures does not exceed the 50% of either the current tax value or appraised value of the existing , and future subsequent expansions and prior expansions occur within a five-year period that accumulatively exceeds the 50% of either current tax value or appraised value, this subchapter shall apply;
(3) Areas inside the designated
of a
(4) Existing single-
; and
constructed on the same
and incidental to the principal which are less than or equal to 50% of either the current tax value or appraised value of the existing (s).
(Ord. 2005-O3, passed 3-15-2005) (Am. Ord. 2005-O8, passed 7-19-2005; Am. Ord. 2013-O15, passed 7-16-2013; Am. Ord. 2015-O3, passed 9-15-2015)
(B) Plant species and sizes. Recommended plant species and minimum plant sizes that meet the requirements of this Section for landscaping buffers, and other areas are defined in § 152.532 Other Landscaping Requirements.
(C) Pre-design conference. A ‘pre-design’ conference with the Town Planner is strongly encouraged to understand the requirements of this section.
(Ord. 2005-O3, passed 3-15-2005) (Am. Ord. 2005-O8, passed 7-19-2005; Am. Ord. 2013-O15, passed 7-16-2013)
(A) Alternative landscaping plans, plant materials or planting methods may be used where unreasonable or impractical situations would result from strict application of landscaping requirements or where necessary to protect existing
. Such situations may result from streams, natural rock formations, topography, protected riparian locations, other physical conditions; or from
configuration, utility
or unusual site conditions. Alternative landscaping plans may propose different plant materials, methods and locations if the quality, effectiveness, durability and performance are equivalent to that required by this section. Sufficient evidence or proof shall be required with alternative landscaping plans to substantiate any claim that may be made regarding the proposed plans, materials or methods. Alternative plans shall be considered for approval as part of the normal site or plan approval process.
(B) A combination of natural
, walls, stones and berms may be utilized to achieve the requirements of this section provided that the following standards are met:
(1) Walls (a minimum of five feet in height), or an opaque
(a minimum of five feet in height) may be used to reduce the width of a required
, excluding the streetscape bufferyard.
(2) Understory trees may be substituted for canopy trees if, in the opinion of the Town Planner upon conferring with the electrical utility provider, a conflict exists with overhead utility lines.
(3) Wall planters shall be constructed of masonry, stone or pressure treated lumber and shall have a minimum height of 30 inches. The minimum height of shrubs in wall planters shall be 12 inches. The effective planting space of the wall planter shall be four feet in width. The minimum height of trees in wall planters shall be six feet. The effective planting space of the wall planter shall be seven feet in width.
(4) Any berm utilized for screening purposes shall comply with the standards and requirements of § 152.530 Other Landscaping Requirements.
(Ord. 2005-O3, passed 3-15-2005) (Am. Ord. 2005-O8, passed 7-19-2005; Am. Ord. 2013-O15, passed 7-16-2013)
(A) Applicability. All land uses as defined in § 152.525 Purpose and Applicability shall provide perimeter
and streetscape
, as defined herein, to separate that use from adjacent land uses.
(B) Purpose of buffers. Preserving existing or planting new landscaping shall be provided in order to:
(1) Shield properties from any adverse external effects of adjacent
, so as to mitigate incompatibilities between adjacent uses;
(2) Mitigate
from the noise and
impacts of major collector and thoroughfare roadways;
(3) Preserve
(4) Preserve or create tree canopy and
(5) Minimize future increases in
; and
(6) Improve appearance of
(C) Landscaped or re-vegetated buffers. If the Town Planner determines that there is not an existing
or it has been disturbed to the extent it does not meet the specifications herein described, then a re-vegetated
shall be installed pursuant to this section.
(D) Type and width of
(1) Table 152.528-1 determines the type and minimum width of existing or landscaped perimeter and streetscape that must be preserved or installed on-site for each proposed principal land use.
types are defined in division (E) of this section.
(2) Any side or
of any proposed
that abuts a residential use or residential district shall provide, in addition to the requirements of Table 152.528-1, a six-foot
with 80% opacity. The required by Table 152.528-1 shall be in addition to the required
(E) Types and required criteria for buffers. The four types of natural and landscaped buffers that appear in Table 152.528-1
are described below along with criteria for each. Each of these
types may be achieved by meeting the requirements listed below or by an approved alternative method that meets the performance requirements. The preservation and use of natural is the preferred method of meeting the
and landscape requirements, as specified in divisions (F)(4) and (F)(7) of this section.
(1) Type A. For every 50 linear feet, or fraction thereof, the five foot-wide
shall contain: one canopy tree, two under story trees or four under story trees, and six shrubs.
(2) Type B. For every 50 linear feet, or fraction thereof, the ten foot-wide
shall contain: two canopy trees or four under story trees, and 12 shrubs.
(3) Type C. For every 50 linear feet, or fraction thereof, the 15-foot wide
shall contain: two canopy trees or four under story trees, and twelve shrubs and a six-foot with 80% opacity.
(4) Type D. For every 50 linear feet of , or fraction thereof, the ten-foot wide shall contain: one under story tree with sidewalks or planters built within or upon the sidewalk. Sidewalk requirements are detailed in §§ 152.353 and 152.356. Type D
are intended to be used as streetscapes in new subdivisions in addition to required
as listed in Table 152.528-1
Type | Proposed
Type | Perimeter/Streetscape
Width |
Type | Proposed
Type | Perimeter/Streetscape
Width |
Type A | Commercial
10,000 square feet or less; Includes
and Multi-
, and parking facilities | 5 feet |
Type A |
and Institutional
(Includes Town Facilities) 10,000 square feet or less | 5 feet |
Type B | Commercial
10,000 square feet or more; Includes
and Multi-
, and parking facilities | 10 feet |
Type B |
and Institutional
(Includes Town Facilities) 10,000 square feet or more | 10 feet |
Type C | M-I (Light Industrial) | 10 feet |
Type D | Streetscape for Residential
or Manufactured Housing | 10 feet |
(F) General
(1) Coverage. All portions of required perimeter and streetscape
not planted with trees or shrubs or covered by a wall, , or other barrier shall be planted with grass, ground cover, or natural mulch of a minimum depth of three inches.
(2) Placement. New plantings comprising the
shall be spread across the entire span of the
, not planted in a row or rows, and not concentrated in a limited number of clustered locations such that the purpose of the
is violated (as defined in division (B) of this section).
(3) Location.
(a) The perimeter buffers shall be located along the outer perimeter of the parcel and shall extend to the parcel boundary line or
line; however, the buffers may be located along shared
between parcels in non-residential
. Within non-residential centers/
, the perimeter area between outparcels may be shifted totally or in part, elsewhere on the site. For example a 10-foot between like uses may be shifted elsewhere on the site preferably interior to the site as long as the total area is provided for. The intent of this section is to provide for more flexibility in designing sites and potentially save larger natural areas elsewhere on the site.
(b) Stormwater management structures may be allowed in a provided that it can be landscaped to meet the intent of the requirements.
(c) All perimeter and streetscape shall not obstruct the view of motorists using any
, private
, or the approach to any
intersection so as to constitute a traffic hazard or a condition dangerous to the public safety upon any such
, or
intersection. Existing healthy
may be removed and no new plantings shall be installed, within required
as noted in §§ 152.265 through 152.277.
(4) Existing
, walls, and berms.
(a) An existing natural consists of existing
, soils, surface waters and topography. Where possible, required buffers should remain in an undisturbed condition; but if the is not a stream or located in a floodplain, some maintenance may be necessary to prevent overgrowth or removal of noxious or poisonous species.
(b) Existing healthy and significant
within the required shall be preserved where possible and credited toward standards for the type of required, unless otherwise approved by the Town Planner at the time of
approval, pursuant to division (F)(7) of this section.
(c) Existing soils within the buffers shall remain intact and undisturbed, unless otherwise approved by the Town Planner at the time of
approval, pursuant to division (F)(7) of this section.
(d) Existing berms, walls, or
within the , but not including chain link fencing, may be used in part to fulfill the requirements for the six-foot tall screen where required, provided that these elements are healthy and/or in a condition of good repair.
(e) Other existing site features within the required area which do not otherwise function to meet the standards for the required shall be screened from the view of other properties or removed, as determined during review and approval of the
(5) New
and other features. If existing significant and other site features do not fully meet the standards for the type of
required, then additional and site features shall be planted or installed within the required
area in order to meet the criteria outlined in division (E) of this section.
(6) No
within required buffers. With the exceptions noted in this division (F) and below, the required
shall not contain any
, , or site features that do not function to meet the standards of this section or that require removal of existing . Grading,
, or land-disturbing activities shall not occur within the
or within the tree protection area unless approved by the Town Planner.
(a) Sidewalks and trails may be placed in buffers provided that damage to existing
is minimized.
(b) Utilities are not permitted in buffers unless no reasonable alternative exists. If utilities are placed in a , they shall be located and installed in a way that minimizes disturbance of the area (for example, installed not parallel but perpendicular or not less than at a 75 degree angle).
may not be placed within a except to cross the where necessary to connect to adjoining properties.
(7) Natural area
credits. The Town Planner may grant credit for the preservation of existing natural (pursuant to § 152.536) and apply this credit toward meeting perimeter
requirements, provided the caliper and quantity of the is equal to or exceeds the specifications herein described. If an existing natural area is to be preserved and used as a required perimeter, but it does not meet the required
type as specified in Table 152.528-1
, it must be enhanced to meet the specifications. The final
shall have the width, amount of , and other features to properly mitigate negative effects of contiguous land uses.
(Ord. 2005-O3, passed 3-15-2005) (Am. Ord. 2005-O8, passed 7-19-2005; Am. Ord. 2013-O15, passed 7-16-2013; Am. Ord. 2015-O3, passed 9-15-2015)
(A) Minimum standards.
(1) At least 8% of the gross paved area of a parking facility shall be landscaped and located in the interior. For purposes of this section, interior shall mean the area within the parking facility curb or pavement and extensions that create a common geometric shape such as a square.
(2) Plantings shall be distributed evenly throughout the parking facility.
(3) All interior plantings shall be physically protected. Non-mountable concrete curbing shall be provided to prevent vehicles from encroaching onto and overhanging required plantings unless otherwise approved.
(4) Consecutive parking spaces shall incorporate landscaped peninsulas no more than 15 spaces apart and at the ends of all parking rows. Peninsulas shall contain at least 100 square feet in area and at least eight feet in width, measured from back of curb/barrier to back of curb/barrier.
(B) Existing
(1) Existing healthy, well-formed, canopy trees that are preserved on site according to § 152.536 may be counted toward the requirements of this section, provided that these trees are protected, in accordance with sections §§ 152.531 and 152.536, before and during of the site and maintained after in a healthy growing condition.
(Ord. 2005-O3, passed 3-15-2005) (Am. Ord. 2005-O8, passed 7-19-2005; Am. Ord. 2013-O15, passed 7-16-2013; Am. Ord. 2015-O3, passed 9-15-2015)
(A) Citizens may plant trees in front of their
and along the sidewalks adjacent to their property under the supervision of the Town Planner, but no trees or other plantings shall be planted in the
, gutters, or ditches of the town. The Town Planner shall notify all
having trees in front of their
to have them properly trimmed either by a company engaged in the business of tree trimming or by the property
themselves following published pruning standards. During normal
maintenance by the Public Works Department, all town employees involved in trimming of trees shall operate under the direction of the Town Planner and in accordance with published pruning standards. In addition, all other public service or utility companies shall also follow published pruning standards and shall notify the town prior to maintenance within the jurisdiction.
(B) The cutting, trimming, destruction, lopping of branches of any manner of trees or shrubbery standing along, in or extending over the
of any municipal or state maintained
by any
is hereby prohibited, except when done under the supervision and according to the direction of the
(Ord. 2005-O3, passed 3-15-2005) (Am. Ord. 2005-O8, passed 7-19-2005; Am. Ord. 2013-O15, passed 7-16-2013)
The town encourages the planting of trees and other approved
by private individuals, groups, and businesses on public property and along
. However, to obtain maximum benefit from those efforts, all plantings on public
or public property owned by the town, its agents, boards, or commissions shall be done in accordance with predetermined guidelines set forth in this Article and approved by the Town Planner utilizing such professional criteria and technical assistance as deemed necessary.
(Ord. 2005-O3, passed 3-15-2005) (Am. Ord. 2005-O8, passed 7-19-2005; Am. Ord. 2013-O15, passed 7-16-2013)