   (A)   The disturbance or damage of within any required buffers, streetscapes, vehicular use areas, or other landscape areas required by this section, or by zoning condition, shall constitute a violation of the UDO.
   (B)   The natural death of existing within any required landscape area does not constitute a violation and would not require revegetation to replace the plant material unless the required landscape area no longer achieves the required performance standards of this section.
   (C)   All disturbed or damaged landscaped areas and natural shall be replanted so as to meet the standards of this section, as well as the approved site and/or   , if applicable. A replacement planting plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Town Planner prior to replacement. This plan will ensure proper replacements are made.
   (D)   In situations where existing required on a developed site or vacant site with an approved site and/or   has been removed or damaged in violation of this section, the Town Planner may require that the entire site be reviewed and revegetated consistent with the current provisions of this section.
(Ord. 2005-O3, passed 3-15-2005) (Am. Ord. 2005-O8, passed 7-19-2005; Am. Ord. 2013-O15, passed 7-16-2013)