General Provisions
50.01 Purpose
50.02 Definitions
50.15 Litter on public and private property
50.16 Receptacles and containers required
50.17 Disposal site practices
50.18 Rules and regulations for residents and businesses
50.19 Use of containers required
50.20 Storing of trash or refuse
50.21 Scattering refuse prohibited
50.22 Commercial establishments
50.23 Loading and unloading areas
50.24 Inspection and replacement of receptacles
50.25 Collectors to use reasonable care
50.26 Curbside pickup
50.27 Burning or burying garbage, solid waste, recycling or refuse
50.28 Construction and demolition sites; special refuse collection
50.29 Special refuse disposal
50.30 Commercial haulers
50.31 Certain conditions declared nuisances
50.32 Maintaining a nuisance; notice of violations
Administration and Enforcement
50.45 Police Department to enforce
50.46 Enforcement procedures; citations of violations