Fiscal Officer
   EDITOR'S NOTE: On November 6, 2001, voters approved a charter amendment that consolidated the elective office of County Auditor with that of County Treasurer. The consolidation was effective June 17, 2002. Effective upon the consolidation of the Office of County Auditor with the Office of County Treasurer, the County Auditor’s powers and duties, including the powers and duties of the previously consolidated Office of County Records, were transferred to the County Treasurer, which was renamed County Fiscal Officer.
134.01   Bond.
134.02   Check issuance from County Law Enforcement Trust Fund.
134.03   Recording fees schedule.
134.04   General Fund moneys to supplement equipment needs.
134.05   Land registration system abolished; use of traditional system.
134.06   Direct deposit of paychecks by electronic transfer.
134.07   Veterans' identification cards.
Election and continuance by general law - see CHTR. Sec. 4.01
State law provisions - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 321